tegola copied to clipboard
Clipped polygon
These are water polygons, and the island just north of the middle is clipped. The location is 7/48.945/-123.437 and the data is ne_ocean from Natural Earth.
I'm having trouble debugging it since I'm not sure how to get what tile it is, where the tile bounds are, etc.
@pnorman you can add ?debug=true to the URL (i.e. http://localhost:8080/?debug=true#7/48.945/-123.437) to encode tile outlines and a z/x/y into a point in the cent of the tile. Then you can inspect the tile.
I assume this is on v0.5.0. A lot of rendering issues were fixed in v0.6.0. Can you build off that branch and see if the same issue is happening? Build instructions
I assume this is on v0.5.0. A lot of rendering issues were fixed in v0.6.0. Can you build off that branch and see if the same issue is happening? Build instructions
I tried under 0.6.0 but it might have had a cached tile, so retesting.
It still happens with fd14038, and it's right on the edge between 5/5/10 and 5/5/11.
My immediate guess is an interaction between different simplification on different tiles, these being water polygons, not land polygons, and handling of the edges of tiles.
Just for reference, these are the holes in the polygon
@pnorman just to confirm you're using the Natural Earth Ocean data v4.0.0?
I am specifically using http://www.naturalearthdata.com/http//www.naturalearthdata.com/download/50m/physical/ne_50m_ocean.zip
in PostgreSQL, then call ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=way -lco SPATIAL_INDEX=FALSE -lco EXTRACT_SCHEMA_FROM_LAYER_NAME=YES -nln loading.ne_ocean --config SHAPE_ENCODING WINDOWS-1252 -explodecollections -t_srs EPSG:3857 -clipsrc -179.999999999 -85.05112877980659 179.999999999 85.05112877980659 PG:dbname=gis data/ne_ocean/ne_50m_ocean.shp
PostGIS post-processing is
ALTER TABLE "loading"."ne_ocean" SET ( autovacuum_enabled = FALSE );
ALTER TABLE "loading"."ne_ocean" DROP COLUMN ogc_fid;
DELETE FROM "loading"."ne_ocean" WHERE way IS NULL;
ALTER TABLE "loading"."ne_ocean" ALTER COLUMN way SET NOT NULL;
CREATE INDEX "ne_ocean_geohash"
ON "loading"."ne_ocean"
(ST_GeoHash(ST_Transform(ST_Envelope(way),4326),10) COLLATE "C");
CLUSTER "loading"."ne_ocean" USING "ne_ocean_geohash";
DROP INDEX "loading"."ne_ocean_geohash";
CREATE INDEX ON "loading"."ne_ocean" USING GIST (way) WITH (fillfactor=100);
ANALYZE "loading"."ne_ocean"
ALTER TABLE "loading"."ne_ocean" SET ( autovacuum_enabled = FALSE );