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Golang ORM with focus on PostgreSQL features and performance

Results 109 pg issues
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Hi All, Update: The issue this PR tries to solve is that we observed some long running queries did not get cancelled. ~Changes in the PR:~ ~1. Fix a bug...

Issue tracker is used for reporting bugs and discussing new features. Please use [Discord]( or [stackoverflow]( for supporting issues. ## Expected Behavior ## Current Behavior ## Possible Solution ## Steps...

A shortcut is proposed for implementing a query to the database, for example, SELECT * WHERE column 1 in the slice or column 2 in the slice

When scanning a byte column `ReadBytes` expect to have exact size of a `[]byte` We should be able to read bytes into a buffer that is bigger than our data...

Several times when inserting a model that has relationships we want to insert its relationships along with it. This is achievable in one query using just raw sql but then...

Have no idea how to handle or investigate this panic. ``` runtime.errorString: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference File "/builds/tt/snami/snami/v2/interfaces/rest/middleware/sentry.go", line 158, in recoverWithSentry File "/builds/tt/snami/snami/.cache/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/base.go", line...

Hi! I am relatively new to Go but I took a deep dive already. I cannot find any reasonable way of writing tests for functions that use a `pg.DB` in...


When a query parameter was a nil slice or a nil map, the value `NULL` would not be appended to the query. Instead `'null'` would be appended to the query...

As per discussions in This PR adds a new hook into `Options` to facilitate the use of secret providers / dynamic / one-time passwords. It has been added as...

Alter the behaviour of omit zero to produce and error when no columns can be updated rather than producing invalid sql