gost copied to clipboard
"http: TLS handshake error from XXXXXXXX:PPPP: tls: client didn't provide a certificat"
I created a certificate for the server domain with 3 pem-files using sertbot -sertonly.
If i pass it as gost -L "tls+mwss://:443?certFile=cert.pem&keyFile=key.pem&caFile=ca.pem
i have error:
http: TLS handshake error from XXXXXXXX:PPPP: tls: client didn't provide a certificat
I created client.key and client.crt on client and sign on server - didnt solve that.
I find working way:
gost -L "tls+mws://:443?certFile=cert.pem&keyFile=key.pem&caFile=ca.pem"
gost -L socks5://:1030 -F "tls+mws://myhost:443?certFile=client.crt&keyFile=client.key"
but in browser have error "SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG", probeResistance not working, client working without keys, just ignore it.
or tls+mwss
or relay+mwss
cases raise the "client didn't provide a certificate"
error and
"certificate signed by unknown authority"
if tls://
, but sert signed by server.
I don't understand logic how certificates working here. I just want get encrypted tunnel.