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the output of .Debug() for UUID binary(16)
Your Question
I use MySql binary(16) to store UUID generated from google uuid pkg. When under '.Debug()' mode, like db.Debug().Create()... on the output of SQL statement, some uuid will be output as '
Expected answer
I cannot reproduce your situation. Could you plz provide your code?
I tried to reproduce (but use sqlite) and the UUID is output correctly.
package main
import (
type User struct {
ID uuid.UUID
func main() {
db, _ := gorms.InMemorySqliteWithInitSQL(`
id BINARY(16)
id, _ := uuid.NewUUID()
db.Debug().Create(&User{ID: id})
// Output in console:
// [0.180ms] [rows:1] INSERT INTO `users` (`id`) VALUES ("f6b07a8a-a79e-11ed-80ca-acde48001122")
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