ffmt icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ffmt copied to clipboard

Golang beautify data display for Humans

Golang beautify data display for Humans

Go Report Card GoDoc GitHub license gocover.io



package main

import (
	ffmt "gopkg.in/ffmt.v1"

func main() {

type mt struct {
	String string
	Int    int
	Slice  []int
	Map    map[string]interface{}

func example() {
	m := mt{
		"hello world",
		[]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
			"A":  123,
			"BB": 456,

	fmt.Println(m) // fmt the default formatting.
		{hello world 100 [1 2 3 4 5 6] map[BB:456 A:123]}

	ffmt.Puts(m) // More friendly formatting.
		 String: "hello world"
		 Int:    100
		 Slice:  [
		  1 2 3
		  4 5 6
		 Map: {
		  "A":  123
		  "BB": 456

	ffmt.Print(m) // Same "Puts" but String unadded '"'.
		 String: hello world
		 Int:    100
		 Slice:  [
		  1 2 3
		  4 5 6
		 Map: {
		  A:  123
		  BB: 456

	ffmt.P(m) // Format data and types.
		 String: string("hello world")
		 Int:    int(100)
		 Slice:  []int[
		  int(1) int(2) int(3)
		  int(4) int(5) int(6)
		 Map: map[string]interface {}{
		  string("A"):  int(123)
		  string("BB"): int(456)

	ffmt.Pjson(m) // Format it in json style.
		 "Int": 100
		,"Map": {
		  "A":  123
		 ,"BB": 456
		,"Slice": [
		,"String": "hello world"

	m0 := ffmt.ToTable(m, m) // Break the fields into tables.
		  "String" "Int"
		  "Slice"  "Map"
		  "hello world"   "100"
		  "[1 2 3 4 5 6]" "map[A:123 BB:456]"

	m1 := ffmt.FmtTable(m0) // [][]string Table format.
		 "String      Int Slice         Map               "
		 "hello world 100 [1 2 3 4 5 6] map[A:123 BB:456] "

	ffmt.Mark("hello") // Mark position.
		main.go:124  hello

	ffmt.Print(ffmt.BytesViewer("Hello world! Hello All!"))
  |  Address | Hex                                             | Text             |
  | -------: | :---------------------------------------------- | :--------------- |
  | 00000000 | 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 20 48 65 6c | Hello world! Hel |
  | 00000010 | 6c 6f 20 41 6c 6c 21                            | lo All!          |




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