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Go (Golang) Fake Data Generator for Struct, previously https://github.com/bxcodec/faker
Is it useful to target property names, types, and tags with new methods in this library? E.g. - A tag targeted by `AddTagProvider` which is an alias for `AddProvider` -...
The current latitude and longitude generation logic generates values with a maximum precision of 15 float places Example: - latitude `-13.170896530151367` - longitude `-128.38621520996094` This is larger than the actual...
I dont care what's exactlly type it is. I just fucking want a fake value 1 "abcabc" and so on. what's wrong with you guys. it's faker lib.uh? why you...
# Problem Hello first of all thanks for the great library! it is really useful Im using faker to seed my local database and i want to generate 10k elements...
As pointed out in the issue #37 (_faker slice of urls don't work_), struct fields do not support faker tags for the underlying field data type in case of slices....
``` type Entity struct { ID uuid.UUID //`faker:"uuid"` // NOT IMPLEMENTED, WHY!? Uris []string `faker:"slice_len=3, url"` // makes all structure empty. I just need slice with 3 urls Map map[string]bool...
**Issue**: The first time `faker.CCType()` is called, the value is internally cached, meaning subsequent calls will always return the same data: https://github.com/go-faker/faker/blob/5effebba7fe9e25350305432ffdca5e19151edad/payment.go#L31 **Fix**: Remove the caching to ensure subsequent calls...
while I'm using `faker.Username(options.WithGenerateUniqueValues(true))` in a concurrent scenario, "concurrent map writes" happened in the func `generateUnique`: https://github.com/go-faker/faker/blob/91fd09b0f81ca8520ead46dac24425c5db029861/faker.go#L1328-L1337
I am running currently into the following problem: I am trying to generate different fake data for different API endpoints, that revolve around the same data object, where the data...
Does it support Chinese? Have you thought about examples