pybombs copied to clipboard does not add lib/x86_64-linux-gnu to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
When GNU Radio 3.8 is installed from the package manager in Ubuntu 18.04, GR_LIBRARY_DIR
is set to lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
by GnuradioConfig.cmake. Subsequently, when an OOT module is built from source and installed into a prefix, the .so file for the module is dutifully installed into LD_LIBRARY_PATH
and thus the library can't be found and import of the swig part of the OOT module fails.
I'm on the following versions of things:
- Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic
- gnuradio-dev:
- PyBOMBS: commit 22e7f23b (head of master as of today)
This seems similar to which I encountered as well. Not sure if this is something that needs to be fixed in CMake or if the best approach is to add additional directories in
Happy to help with a more concrete reproduction scenario if desired.
Maybe that is the proxychains bug. I met the same problem when installed pybombs using proxychains and shadowsocks. REF