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Error using PyBombs for install something (like gr-osmosdr)
I'm trying to use pybombs for installing gr-gsm but it give me always the same error:
PyBOMBS.install_manager - ERROR - Package has no install method: python
What should I do? I have already Python installed.
Darwin 18.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Mon Nov 12 20:24:31 PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.231.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Here an example: Air-di-Andrea:~ andreapellegrin$ sudo pybombs install gr-osmosdr PyBOMBS.ConfigManager - INFO - Prefix Python version is: 2.7.15 PyBOMBS - INFO - PyBOMBS Version 2.3.3 PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Phase 1: Creating install tree and installing binary packages: The directory '/Users/andreapellegrin/Library/Caches/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (2.21.0) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from requests) (2018.11.29) Requirement already satisfied: chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from requests) (3.0.4) Requirement already satisfied: idna<2.9,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from requests) (2.8) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from requests) (1.24.1) The directory '/Users/andreapellegrin/Library/Caches/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.
PyBOMBS.install_manager - ERROR - Package has no install method: python
Air-di-Andrea:~ andreapellegrin$
Please help me. Andrew
just a blind shot: I think that has no way to check if python is installed in MacOS when you installed from tarball instead of installing from installer. Did you, maybe?