tilix copied to clipboard
Invisible box that prevents clicking
Tilix will sometimes create an invisible box that prevents clicking on other programs and is very faintly visible.
I know it has something to do with Tilix since when I close it, the invisible box is gone and I'm able to use the mouse on that part of my screen in other programs again.
I think it has to do with (me accidentally) alt+left mouse button click dragging a terminal. I say this because the invisible box is exactly the size of the "mini terminal" that is attached to your mouse when you drag it.
I cannot recreate it though and I never use the alt+clickdrag feature intentionally, if there is a way to turn it off for now please let me know.
Great project by the way. Love Tilix!
I think you are experiencing issue #1237 .
Also experience this (or #1237) on tilix 1.9.3 on xubuntu.
yeah this is really annoying and took me a long time to figure out it was Tilix doing this. This should be a must fix IMO
yeah this is really annoying and took me a long time to figure out it was Tilix doing this. This should be a must fix IMO
I agree. It has happened to me twice in a matter of days, and even knowing the issue exists I start thinking my browser is being flakey. It takes me some time to realize that "Oh, it is I can't click in this box.". It is super frustrating. I have gone back to terminator as a result. I think tilix is superior in many other ways, but this bug is a show stopper. I also recently had a show stopper with terminator, but that one got fixed. Terminator's show stopper got me thinking, and so I tried tilix again. But back I go to terminator.
I am testing this patch. Disabling drag and drop is better than fighting invisible boxes.
diff -uNr tilix/source/gx/tilix/terminal/terminal.d tilix.disable-drag-drop/source/gx/tilix/terminal/terminal.d
--- tilix/source/gx/tilix/terminal/terminal.d 2021-05-07 11:32:25.665055415 -0700
+++ tilix.disable-drag-drop/source/gx/tilix/terminal/terminal.d 2021-05-07 11:33:09.287691174 -0700
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
//Enable Drag and Drop
- setupDragAndDrop(titlePane);
+ //setupDragAndDrop(titlePane);
I am running the patch on two systems without issue. It also seems to have the desired effect on disabling dragging, and no unexpected consequences. I can still click on the title bar of the tile to maximize it.
I don't see an alternative way to separate a tile from a window.
I may take some time and example the setupDragAndDrop function for ideas of how to fix or workaround this bug without disabling drag and drop.
I haven't had this issue in a long time (it's been 1,5 years since I've created this ticket). It must've solved itself on version upgrade of tilix or some related package. I didn't post the versions of the terminal then, but currently they are:
[ben@work ~]$ tilix -v
Tilix version: 1.9.4
VTE version: 0.64
GTK Version: 3.24.29
Tilix Special Features
Notifications enabled=0
Triggers enabled=0
Badges enabled=1
Just had this happen on Fedora 34. Happens pretty regularly if I accidentally drag a session side-bar window.
$ tilix -v
Tilix version: 1.9.4
VTE version: 0.64
GTK Version: 3.24.29
Tilix Special Features
Notifications enabled=1
Triggers enabled=0
Badges enabled=1
I tried tilix again on Fedora 36, and have had the issue.
Fedora 37. 2023. It's still there...
Not encountered it anymore in a long time. Feel free to reopen if you still have the issue.