xst copied to clipboard
Wide characters are cut off
Any way to fix this?
any updates on this issue? thanks.
your issue report could be improved by providing font used, text string and expected result (in which terminal it works as expected)
I also face the same problem, though I only use a unicode glyph in one place:
If I add 2 spaces to the place I'm defining it:
zsh export ZSH_PLUGINS_ALIAS_TIPS_TEXT=$'\033[01;33m💡 '
, then it outputs correctly.
On kitty
it shows as:
And on alacritty
It occurs with any font. With or without escape chars.
weird, i can't reproduce this:
echo _💡_
i recommend you trying with more different fonts, mb there is some correlation between the chosen font and reproducibility of this problem
hmm, I've tried:
DejaVu Sans Mono
Noto Sans Mono
Liberation Mono
Monofur Nerd Font
Nimbus Mono L
And all require two spaces after the glyph to render correctly. What emoji font are you using? I have noto-fonts-emoji-20180810
& twemoji
<family>Fantasque Sans Mono</family>
<family>Emoji One Color</family>
but with different monospace fonts it also works, so i guess the problem is with emoji font, what it's not setting what chars should be double-width:
I think there are 2 problems here:
requires 2 spaces. twemoji
(the successor to Emoji One) needs 1 space but only on st
On alacritty and kitty, it shows correctly without a space. (I tried it with twemoji
and font-symbola
). But st needs the space. Presumably because it's placing a two cell width char in a single cell