UnlinkMKV copied to clipboard
Failed to open attachment directory
I keep getting the following error: failed to open attachment directory: No such file or directory failed to open attachment directory: No such file or directory at /Users/xyz/umkvtmp/unlinkmkv line 403
During processing, there is indeed an "attach" directory for each segment in the tempdir, so what is going on?
Can you re-run it with -ll TRACE
and include the log please?
[ini] [outdir] = [Desktop/UnlinkMKV/]
[ini] [tmpdir] = [umkvtmp/]
[ini] [ffmpeg] = [/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg]
[ini] skipping line [#mkvext = /usr/bin/mkvextract]
[ini] skipping line [#mkvinfo = /usr/bin/mkvinfo]
[ini] skipping line [#mkvmerge = /usr/bin/mkvmerge]
[ini] [fixaudio] = [0]
[ini] [fixvideo] = [0]
[ini] [fixsubtitles] = [1]
[ini] [ignoredefaultflag] = [0]
[ini] [chapters] = [1]
[ini] [fixvideotemplate] = [-c:v libx264 -b:v {var_minrate}k -minrate {var_minrate}k -maxrate {var_maxrate}k -bufsize 1835k -max_muxing_queue_size 4000]
[ini] [fixaudiotemplate] = [-map 0 -acodec ac3 -ab 320k]
[ini] [var_minrate] = [(var_size * 1.1) / var_duration]
[ini] [var_maxrate] = [var_minrate * 2]
chapters: 1
cleanup: 1
ffmpeg: /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.0.2/bin/ffmpeg
fixaudio: 0
fixaudiotemplate: -map 0 -acodec ac3 -ab 320k
fixsubtitles: 1
fixvideo: 0
fixvideotemplate: -c:v libx264 -b:v {var_minrate}k -minrate {var_minrate}k -maxrate {var_maxrate}k -bufsize 1835k -max_muxing_queue_size 4000
ignoredefaultflag: 0
mkvext: /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvextract
mkvinfo: /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo
mkvmerge: /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvmerge
outdir: Desktop/UnlinkMKV
tmpdir: umkvtmp
var_maxrate: var_minrate * 2
var_minrate: (var_size * 1.1) / var_duration
created tmp umkvtmp/46794
processing /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
checking if file is segmented
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvextract chapters /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < <?xml version="1.0"?>
sys < <!-- <!DOCTYPE Chapters SYSTEM "matroskachapters.dtd"> -->
sys < <Chapters>
sys < <EditionEntry>
sys < <EditionFlagDefault>1</EditionFlagDefault>
sys < <EditionUID>8984548550</EditionUID>
sys < <EditionFlagOrdered>1</EditionFlagOrdered>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>2304673281</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:02:05.000000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Prologue</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>4635831419</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">98b69230daf36a479d3c724d69e5f41c</ChapterSegmentUID>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Opening</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>4194278555</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden>
sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:02:05.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:20:39.989000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Episode</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>4157423713</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden>
sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled>
sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">aa2fe7e48fe6d26a85b49687fd842e91</ChapterSegmentUID>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Ending</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>6493638808</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden>
sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:20:39.989000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:21:09.852000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Preview</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < </EditionEntry>
sys < </Chapters>
file contains segmented chapters
generating chapter file
loading chapters
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvextract chapters /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < <?xml version="1.0"?>
sys < <!-- <!DOCTYPE Chapters SYSTEM "matroskachapters.dtd"> -->
sys < <Chapters>
sys < <EditionEntry>
sys < <EditionFlagDefault>1</EditionFlagDefault>
sys < <EditionUID>8984548550</EditionUID>
sys < <EditionFlagOrdered>1</EditionFlagOrdered>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>2304673281</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:02:05.000000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Prologue</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>4635831419</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">98b69230daf36a479d3c724d69e5f41c</ChapterSegmentUID>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Opening</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>4194278555</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden>
sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:02:05.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:20:39.989000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Episode</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>4157423713</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden>
sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled>
sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">aa2fe7e48fe6d26a85b49687fd842e91</ChapterSegmentUID>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Ending</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterAtom>
sys < <ChapterUID>6493638808</ChapterUID>
sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden>
sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled>
sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:20:39.989000000</ChapterTimeStart>
sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:21:09.852000000</ChapterTimeEnd>
sys < <ChapterDisplay>
sys < <ChapterString>Preview</ChapterString>
sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage>
sys < </ChapterDisplay>
sys < </ChapterAtom>
sys < </EditionEntry>
sys < </Chapters>
copying part /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv to umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
chapter start 00:00:0.000000001
chapter end 00:02:5.000000001
offset start 00:00:00.000000000
offset end 00:02:5.000000001
chapter enabled 1
chapter start 00:02:5.000000001
chapter end 00:03:35.500000002
offset start 00:01:30.500000001
offset end 00:03:35.500000002
chapter enabled 1
copying part /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv to umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
chapter start 00:03:35.500000002
chapter end 00:22:10.489000002
offset start 00:01:30.500000001
offset end 00:22:10.489000002
chapter enabled 1
chapter start 00:22:10.489000002
chapter end 00:23:40.989000003
offset start 00:03:1.000000002
offset end 00:23:40.989000003
chapter enabled 1
copying part /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv to umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
chapter start 00:23:40.989000003
chapter end 00:24:10.852000003
offset start 00:03:1.000000002
offset end 00:24:10.852000003
chapter enabled 1
writing chapter temporary file
looking for segment parts
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 362819657
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ Chapters
sys < | + Edition entry
sys < | + Edition flag default: 1
sys < | + Edition UID: 8984548550
sys < | + Edition flag ordered: 1
sys < | + Chapter atom
sys < | + Chapter UID: 2304673281
sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000
sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:02:05.000000000
sys < | + Chapter display
sys < | + Chapter string: Prologue
sys < | + Chapter language: und
sys < | + Chapter atom
sys < | + Chapter UID: 4635831419
sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c
sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000
sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000
sys < | + Chapter display
sys < | + Chapter string: Opening
sys < | + Chapter language: und
sys < | + Chapter atom
sys < | + Chapter UID: 4194278555
sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0
sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1
sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:02:05.000000000
sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:20:39.989000000
sys < | + Chapter display
sys < | + Chapter string: Episode
sys < | + Chapter language: und
sys < | + Chapter atom
sys < | + Chapter UID: 4157423713
sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0
sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1
sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91
sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000
sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000
sys < | + Chapter display
sys < | + Chapter string: Ending
sys < | + Chapter language: und
sys < | + Chapter atom
sys < | + Chapter UID: 6493638808
sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0
sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1
sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:20:39.989000000
sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:21:09.852000000
sys < | + Chapter display
sys < | + Chapter string: Preview
sys < | + Chapter language: und
sys < |+ EBML void: size 3731
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:21:09.888000000
sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:35:29 2011 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x1d 0xac 0x9d 0x53 0x2d 0xe9 0xb2 0x43 0xa8 0x2b 0x80 0x67 0x69 0x61 0x16 0xb3
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 2161910424
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1653
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 3619061503
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Attachments
sys < | + Attached
sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf
sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font
sys < | + File data: size 76000
sys < | + File UID: 2040966590
sys < | + Attached
sys < | + File name: davidtr.ttf
sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font
sys < | + File data: size 53816
sys < | + File UID: 687403656
sys < |+ EBML void: size 390
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 (Creditless) [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 108927126
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.920000000
sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:22:03 2012 UTC
sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Opening 1
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 521720234
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 1125198344
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 97687231
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.877000000
sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:53:06 2011 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 2381910612
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 1490474668
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C2 - Opening 2 (Creditless) [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 81763509
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.920000000
sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 08 15:46:53 2012 UTC
sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Opening 2 Creditless
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x84 0xcd 0x54 0xb2 0x6b 0x24 0xbf 0x14 0x76 0xb2 0x92 0x58 0x72 0x29 0x93 0x03
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 1173816980
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 3472070778
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C2 - Opening 2 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 82294500
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.877000000
sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:56:06 2011 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x88 0x7c 0xe2 0xd0 0x75 0xce 0xc8 0x3e 0x87 0xdd 0xf9 0xbf 0xd5 0x10 0x42 0xdb
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 3876855219
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 1198449386
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C2v2 - Opening 2 [Chihiro][HDTV].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 47008505
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.0.0 + libmatroska v1.0.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.1.1 ('Bouncin' Back') built on Jul 3 2010 22:54:08
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.840000000
sys < | + Date: Sun Sep 12 21:16:35 2010 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x20 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0xaa 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x10 0x40 0x10 0x90 0x10 0x10 0x80
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1440
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 16
sys < | + Display height: 9
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 4204375723
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 382360196
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 587
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1128
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 (Creditless) [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 63606750
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.048000000
sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:23:10 2012 UTC
sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Ending 1
sys < | + Segment UID: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 3583571856
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 792062382
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 50968343
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.048000000
sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:51:12 2011 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 1662147456
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 3966321948
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C4 - Ending 2 (Creditless) [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 120726597
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.049000000
sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 08 15:47:35 2012 UTC
sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Ending 2 Creditless
sys < | + Segment UID: 0x59 0xda 0x72 0x41 0xb4 0x91 0x04 0x86 0xe8 0xd7 0x56 0xc8 0x7d 0x80 0x61 0x87
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 3515789440
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 3124771963
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C4 - Ending 2 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 124699033
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.090000000
sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:57:08 2011 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0xbb 0x2a 0xe7 0xee 0x58 0x0e 0x6c 0xf7 0x94 0x37 0xaf 0x49 0x0f 0xfc 0xa1 0x33
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1920
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 1920
sys < | + Display height: 1080
sys < | + Content encodings
sys < | + Content encoding
sys < | + Content compression
sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal)
sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 541761444
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 2679538279
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139
sys < |+ Cluster
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C4v2 - Ending 2 [Chihiro][HDTV].mkv
sys < + EBML head
sys < |+ EBML version: 1
sys < |+ EBML read version: 1
sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4
sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8
sys < |+ Document type: matroska
sys < |+ Document type version: 2
sys < |+ Document type read version: 2
sys < + Segment: size 54482658
sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped)
sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044
sys < |+ Segment information
sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000
sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.0.0 + libmatroska v1.0.0
sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.1.1 ('Bouncin' Back') built on Jul 3 2010 22:54:08
sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.049000000
sys < | + Date: Tue Aug 03 03:11:47 2010 UTC
sys < | + Segment UID: 0xa5 0xc2 0x36 0xc5 0x0f 0xd4 0xc1 0xdf 0xa3 0xa1 0x84 0x0b 0x05 0xa3 0x10 0x80
sys < |+ Tracks
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0)
sys < | + Track UID: 1
sys < | + Track type: video
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Minimum cache: 1
sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0)
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Video track
sys < | + Pixel width: 1440
sys < | + Pixel height: 1080
sys < | + Display width: 16
sys < | + Display height: 9
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1)
sys < | + Track UID: 1605299601
sys < | + Track type: audio
sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2
sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track)
sys < | + Language: jpn
sys < | + Audio track
sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000
sys < | + Channels: 2
sys < | + Track
sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2)
sys < | + Track UID: 2662141061
sys < | + Track type: subtitles
sys < | + Lacing flag: 0
sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS
sys < | + Codec's private data: size 587
sys < |+ EBML void: size 1128
sys < |+ Cluster
copying part /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv to umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
found part umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
copying part /Users/matthias/umkvtmp/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv to umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
found part umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
checking that all required segments were found
all segments found
extracting attachments
FILE umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < (MKVInfo) Error: Couldn't open source file umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv (open file error).
FILE umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < (MKVInfo) Error: Couldn't open source file umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C1 - Opening 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv (open file error).
FILE umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < (MKVInfo) Error: Couldn't open source file umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv (open file error).
FILE umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < (MKVInfo) Error: Couldn't open source file umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! C3 - Ending 1 [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv (open file error).
FILE umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv
sys < (MKVInfo) Error: Couldn't open source file umkvtmp/46794/parts/K-On!! 01 - Senior! [Chihiro][Blu-ray][self-edited AAC].mkv (open file error).
failed to open attachment directory: No such file or directory
failed to open attachment directory: No such file or directory at /usr/local/bin/unlinkmkv line 403
I don't use OSX personally, but I suspect the issue might be related to the relative path set for the temp directory. Try unsetting the tmpdir variable in your unlinkmkv.ini file (comment it out with a #) OR setting it to an absolute path.
I got around this error by changing the tmpdir path, thanks for that. Now I get the "file failed to build" error. After looking through other issues, I tried it with ignoredefaultflag and fix video, but to no avail. Attached is the -ll trace again.
Last login: Fri Sep 28 19:28:44 on ttys001 Matthias-MBP:~ matthias$ cd /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV Matthias-MBP:UMKV matthias$ unlinkmkv /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv -ll trace UnlinkMKV [ini] [outdir] = [Desktop/UnlinkMKV/] [ini] [tmpdir] = [umkvtmp/] [ini] [ffmpeg] = [/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg] [ini] skipping line [#mkvext = /usr/bin/mkvextract] [ini] skipping line [#mkvinfo = /usr/bin/mkvinfo] [ini] skipping line [#mkvmerge = /usr/bin/mkvmerge] [ini] [fixaudio] = [0] [ini] [fixvideo] = [0] [ini] [fixsubtitles] = [1] [ini] [ignoredefaultflag] = [0] [ini] [chapters] = [1] [ini] [fixvideotemplate] = [-c:v libx264 -b:v {var_minrate}k -minrate {var_minrate}k -maxrate {var_maxrate}k -bufsize 1835k -max_muxing_queue_size 4000] [ini] [fixaudiotemplate] = [-map 0 -acodec ac3 -ab 320k] [ini] [var_minrate] = [(var_size * 1.1) / var_duration] [ini] [var_maxrate] = [var_minrate * 2] Options chapters: 1 cleanup: 1 ffmpeg: /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.0.2/bin/ffmpeg fixaudio: 0 fixaudiotemplate: -map 0 -acodec ac3 -ab 320k fixsubtitles: 1 fixvideo: 0 fixvideotemplate: -c:v libx264 -b:v {var_minrate}k -minrate {var_minrate}k -maxrate {var_maxrate}k -bufsize 1835k -max_muxing_queue_size 4000 ignoredefaultflag: 0 mkvext: /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvextract mkvinfo: /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo mkvmerge: /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvmerge outdir: Desktop/UnlinkMKV tmpdir: umkvtmp var_maxrate: var_minrate * 2 var_minrate: (var_size * 1.1) / var_duration created tmp umkvtmp/47823 processing /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv checking if file is segmented sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvextract chapters /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv sys < sys < sys < <Chapters> sys < <EditionEntry> sys < <EditionFlagOrdered>1</EditionFlagOrdered> sys < <EditionFlagHidden>0</EditionFlagHidden> sys < <EditionFlagDefault>1</EditionFlagDefault> sys < <EditionUID>8984548550</EditionUID> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>2304673281</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:52.029000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Prologue</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>4635831419</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">98b69230daf36a479d3c724d69e5f41c</ChapterSegmentUID> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Opening</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>4194278555</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:01:52.029000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:20:40.030000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Episode</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>4157423713</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">aa2fe7e48fe6d26a85b49687fd842e91</ChapterSegmentUID> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Ending</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>6493638808</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:20:40.030000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:21:09.894000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Preview</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < </EditionEntry> sys < </Chapters> file contains segmented chapters generating chapter file loading chapters sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvextract chapters /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv sys < sys < sys < <Chapters> sys < <EditionEntry> sys < <EditionFlagOrdered>1</EditionFlagOrdered> sys < <EditionFlagHidden>0</EditionFlagHidden> sys < <EditionFlagDefault>1</EditionFlagDefault> sys < <EditionUID>8984548550</EditionUID> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>2304673281</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:52.029000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Prologue</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>4635831419</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">98b69230daf36a479d3c724d69e5f41c</ChapterSegmentUID> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Opening</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>4194278555</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:01:52.029000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:20:40.030000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Episode</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>4157423713</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterSegmentUID format="hex">aa2fe7e48fe6d26a85b49687fd842e91</ChapterSegmentUID> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:00:00.000000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:01:30.500000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Ending</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterAtom> sys < <ChapterUID>6493638808</ChapterUID> sys < <ChapterFlagHidden>0</ChapterFlagHidden> sys < <ChapterFlagEnabled>1</ChapterFlagEnabled> sys < <ChapterTimeStart>00:20:40.030000000</ChapterTimeStart> sys < <ChapterTimeEnd>00:21:09.894000000</ChapterTimeEnd> sys < <ChapterDisplay> sys < <ChapterString>Preview</ChapterString> sys < <ChapterLanguage>und</ChapterLanguage> sys < </ChapterDisplay> sys < </ChapterAtom> sys < </EditionEntry> sys < </Chapters> copying part /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv to umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv internal chapter start 00:00:0.000000001 chapter end 00:01:52.029000001 offset start 00:00:00.000000000 offset end 00:01:52.029000001 chapter enabled 1 external chapter start 00:01:52.029000001 chapter end 00:03:22.529000002 offset start 00:01:30.500000001 offset end 00:03:22.529000002 chapter enabled 1 copying part /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv to umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv internal chapter start 00:03:22.529000002 chapter end 00:22:10.530000002 offset start 00:01:30.500000001 offset end 00:22:10.530000002 chapter enabled 1 external chapter start 00:22:10.530000002 chapter end 00:23:41.030000003 offset start 00:03:1.000000002 offset end 00:23:41.030000003 chapter enabled 1 copying part /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv to umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv internal chapter start 00:23:41.030000003 chapter end 00:24:10.894000003 offset start 00:03:1.000000002 offset end 00:24:10.894000003 chapter enabled 1 writing chapter temporary file looking for segment parts sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 333928999 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4013 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:21:09.930000000 sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:38:09 2011 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0xe3 0x2c 0xce 0xb2 0x9a 0x8e 0xa7 0x99 0xde 0x39 0x3b 0x19 0x4a 0x63 0xd5 0x1f sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Chapters sys < | + Edition entry sys < | + Edition flag ordered: 1 sys < | + Edition flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Edition flag default: 1 sys < | + Edition UID: 8984548550 sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 2304673281 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Prologue sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4635831419 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Opening sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4194278555 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Episode sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4157423713 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Ending sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 6493638808 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:21:09.894000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Preview sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < |+ EBML void: size 101 sys < |+ Cluster sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/k-oned.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 63606750 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.048000000 sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:23:10 2012 UTC sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Ending 1 sys < | + Segment UID: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 3583571856 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 792062382 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Cluster sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/k-onop.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 108927126 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.920000000 sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:22:03 2012 UTC sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Opening 1 sys < | + Segment UID: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 521720234 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 1125198344 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Cluster copying part /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/k-onop.mkv to umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv found part umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv copying part /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/k-oned.mkv to umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv found part umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv checking that all required segments were found all segments found extracting attachments FILE umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 333928999 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4013 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:21:09.930000000 sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:38:09 2011 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0xe3 0x2c 0xce 0xb2 0x9a 0x8e 0xa7 0x99 0xde 0x39 0x3b 0x19 0x4a 0x63 0xd5 0x1f sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Chapters sys < | + Edition entry sys < | + Edition flag ordered: 1 sys < | + Edition flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Edition flag default: 1 sys < | + Edition UID: 8984548550 sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 2304673281 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Prologue sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4635831419 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Opening sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4194278555 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Episode sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4157423713 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Ending sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 6493638808 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:21:09.894000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Preview sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < |+ EBML void: size 101 sys < |+ Cluster FILE umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 108927126 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.920000000 sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:22:03 2012 UTC sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Opening 1 sys < | + Segment UID: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 521720234 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 1125198344 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Cluster FILE umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 333928999 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4013 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:21:09.930000000 sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:38:09 2011 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0xe3 0x2c 0xce 0xb2 0x9a 0x8e 0xa7 0x99 0xde 0x39 0x3b 0x19 0x4a 0x63 0xd5 0x1f sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Chapters sys < | + Edition entry sys < | + Edition flag ordered: 1 sys < | + Edition flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Edition flag default: 1 sys < | + Edition UID: 8984548550 sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 2304673281 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Prologue sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4635831419 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Opening sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4194278555 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Episode sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4157423713 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Ending sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 6493638808 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:21:09.894000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Preview sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < |+ EBML void: size 101 sys < |+ Cluster FILE umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 63606750 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.048000000 sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:23:10 2012 UTC sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Ending 1 sys < | + Segment UID: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 3583571856 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 792062382 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Cluster FILE umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/K-on02.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 333928999 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4013 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:21:09.930000000 sys < | + Date: Fri Dec 23 19:38:09 2011 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0xe3 0x2c 0xce 0xb2 0x9a 0x8e 0xa7 0x99 0xde 0x39 0x3b 0x19 0x4a 0x63 0xd5 0x1f sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Chapters sys < | + Edition entry sys < | + Edition flag ordered: 1 sys < | + Edition flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Edition flag default: 1 sys < | + Edition UID: 8984548550 sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 2304673281 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Prologue sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4635831419 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Opening sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4194278555 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:01:52.029000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Episode sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 4157423713 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter segment UID: length 16, data: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:00:00.000000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:01:30.500000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Ending sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < | + Chapter atom sys < | + Chapter UID: 6493638808 sys < | + Chapter flag hidden: 0 sys < | + Chapter flag enabled: 1 sys < | + Chapter time start: 00:20:40.030000000 sys < | + Chapter time end: 00:21:09.894000000 sys < | + Chapter display sys < | + Chapter string: Preview sys < | + Chapter language: und sys < |+ EBML void: size 101 sys < |+ Cluster creating 3 splits from /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvmerge --no-chapters -o umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-%03d.mkv /Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv --split timecodes:00:01:52.029000000,00:20:40.030000000 sys < mkvmerge v26.0.0 ('In The Game') 64-bit sys < '/Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'. sys < '/Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'. sys < '/Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'. sys < '/Users/matthias/Desktop/UMKV/K-on02.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'text subtitles'. sys < The file 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv' has been opened for writing. sys < Progress: 0% sys < The cue entries (the index) are being written... sys < The file 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv' has been opened for writing. Progress: 83%ys < Progress: 41% sys < The cue entries (the index) are being written... sys < The file 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv' has been opened for writing. sys < Progress: 100% sys < The cue entries (the index) are being written... sys < Multiplexing took 1 second. setting parts part umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv part umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv part umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv part umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv part umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv extracting subs umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 4 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 27298757 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4012 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.3.6 + libmatroska v1.4.9 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v26.0.0 ('In The Game') 64-bit sys < | + Duration: 00:01:52.043000000 sys < | + Date: Sat Sep 29 12:49:12 2018 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0x64 0x9e 0x4a 0x0d 0x6a 0x94 0xe3 0x15 0xe4 0x88 0x05 0x9f 0x51 0x77 0xdc 0x03 sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1147 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Cluster umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 108927126 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:01:29.920000000 sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:22:03 2012 UTC sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Opening 1 sys < | + Segment UID: 0x98 0xb6 0x92 0x30 0xda 0xf3 0x6a 0x47 0x9d 0x3c 0x72 0x4d 0x69 0xe5 0xf4 0x1c sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 521720234 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 1125198344 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Cluster umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 4 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 298708521 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4012 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.3.6 + libmatroska v1.4.9 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v26.0.0 ('In The Game') 64-bit sys < | + Duration: 00:18:48.013000000 sys < | + Date: Sat Sep 29 12:49:12 2018 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0x5c 0x14 0x57 0xdc 0xea 0x57 0xe5 0xbc 0x49 0x60 0x06 0x4d 0xac 0x98 0xa6 0x0d sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1147 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Cluster umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 2 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 63606750 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4044 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 23 2011 16:58:35 sys < | + Duration: 00:01:30.048000000 sys < | + Date: Sun Jan 01 20:23:10 2012 UTC sys < | + Title: K-ON!! Creditless Ending 1 sys < | + Segment UID: 0xaa 0x2f 0xe7 0xe4 0x8f 0xe6 0xd2 0x6a 0x85 0xb4 0x96 0x87 0xfd 0x84 0x2e 0x91 sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Minimum cache: 1 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Content encodings sys < | + Content encoding sys < | + Content compression sys < | + Algorithm: 3 (header removal) sys < | + Settings: length 1, data: 0x00 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 3583571856 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 670 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 792062382 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1139 sys < |+ Cluster umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv sys < + EBML head sys < |+ EBML version: 1 sys < |+ EBML read version: 1 sys < |+ Maximum EBML ID length: 4 sys < |+ Maximum EBML size length: 8 sys < |+ Document type: matroska sys < |+ Document type version: 4 sys < |+ Document type read version: 2 sys < + Segment: size 8132465 sys < |+ Seek head (subentries will be skipped) sys < |+ EBML void: size 4014 sys < |+ Segment information sys < | + Timestamp scale: 1000000 sys < | + Multiplexing application: libebml v1.3.6 + libmatroska v1.4.9 sys < | + Writing application: mkvmerge v26.0.0 ('In The Game') 64-bit sys < | + Duration: 00:00:29.900000000 sys < | + Date: Sat Sep 29 12:49:12 2018 UTC sys < | + Segment UID: 0xc2 0x7f 0x7e 0xaf 0x5b 0x5f 0x42 0x25 0xdd 0x14 0xa8 0x5a 0x5a 0xeb 0x33 0x92 sys < |+ Tracks sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 1 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 0) sys < | + Track UID: 3435309576 sys < | + Track type: audio sys < | + Codec ID: A_AAC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 2 sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.021333333 (46.875 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Language: jpn sys < | + Name: 2.0 AAC sys < | + Audio track sys < | + Sampling frequency: 48000 sys < | + Channels: 2 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 2 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 1) sys < | + Track UID: 1 sys < | + Track type: video sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC sys < | + Codec's private data: size 43 (h.264 profile: High @L5.0) sys < | + Default duration: 00:00:00.041708332 (23.976 frames/fields per second for a video track) sys < | + Video track sys < | + Pixel width: 1920 sys < | + Pixel height: 1080 sys < | + Display width: 1920 sys < | + Display height: 1080 sys < | + Track sys < | + Track number: 3 (track ID for mkvmerge & mkvextract: 2) sys < | + Track UID: 858159757 sys < | + Track type: subtitles sys < | + Lacing flag: 0 sys < | + Codec ID: S_TEXT/ASS sys < | + Codec's private data: size 1032 sys < |+ EBML void: size 1147 sys < |+ Attachments sys < | + Attached sys < | + File name: ANNA___.ttf sys < | + MIME type: application/x-truetype-font sys < | + File data: size 76000 sys < | + File UID: 1344394383 sys < |+ Cluster making substyles unique mashing unique substyles to all parts remuxing subtitles building file sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvmerge --no-chapters -M --chapters umkvtmp/47823/K-on02-chapters.xml -o umkvtmp/47823/encodes/K-on02.mkv umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv + umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv + umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv + umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv + umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv sys < mkvmerge v26.0.0 ('In The Game') 64-bit sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'text subtitles'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'text subtitles'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'text subtitles'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'text subtitles'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'AAC'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AVC/h.264'. sys < 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'text subtitles'. sys < No append mapping was given for the file no. 1 ('umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv'). A default mapping of 1:0:0:0,1:1:0:1,1:2:0:2 will be used instead. Please keep that in mind if mkvmerge aborts with an error message regarding invalid '--append-to' options. sys < No append mapping was given for the file no. 2 ('umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-002.mkv'). A default mapping of 2:0:1:0,2:1:1:1,2:2:1:2 will be used instead. Please keep that in mind if mkvmerge aborts with an error message regarding invalid '--append-to' options. sys < No append mapping was given for the file no. 3 ('umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-oned.mkv'). A default mapping of 3:0:2:0,3:1:2:1,3:2:2:2 will be used instead. Please keep that in mind if mkvmerge aborts with an error message regarding invalid '--append-to' options. sys < No append mapping was given for the file no. 4 ('umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-003.mkv'). A default mapping of 4:0:3:0,4:1:3:1,4:2:3:2 will be used instead. Please keep that in mind if mkvmerge aborts with an error message regarding invalid '--append-to' options. sys < Error: The track number 0 from the file 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/k-onop.mkv' cannot be appended to the track number 0 from the file 'umkvtmp/47823/parts/split-001.mkv'. The formats do not match. fixing subs, again... (maybe an mkvmerge issue?) sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvinfo umkvtmp/47823/encodes/K-on02.mkv sys < (MKVInfo) Error: Couldn't open source file umkvtmp/47823/encodes/K-on02.mkv (open file error). sys > /usr/local/Cellar/mkvtoolnix/26.0.0/bin/mkvmerge -o umkvtmp/47823/encodes/fixed.K-on02.mkv -S umkvtmp/47823/encodes/K-on02.mkv sys < mkvmerge v26.0.0 ('In The Game') 64-bit sys < Error: The file 'umkvtmp/47823/encodes/K-on02.mkv' could not be opened for reading: open file error. moving built file to final destination file failed to build removed tmp umkvtmp/47823 created tmp umkvtmp/47823 removed tmp umkvtmp/47823 removed tmp umkvtmp exiting Matthias-MBP:UMKV matthias$
It looks like it's having trouble with the output of mkvextract chapters, if you're still waiting on this it's possible it's either the version of mkvtoolnix or the locale in your terminal. I've seen others report success by removing mkvtoolnix's locale directory.