Ni Wang
Ni Wang
After further discussion with @datejada, we concluded that: 1. The ongoing implementation works well for only vintage investments, and eases the hassle for calculating the complicated economic parameters from the...
I did some benchmark using `benchmark.jl`, which sets up a test database for 3 weeks (hourly resolution), 50 units, 50 nodes, and 49 connections. It is run 3 times and...
> > I did some benchmark using `benchmark.jl`, which sets up a test database for 3 weeks (hourly resolution), 50 units, 50 nodes, and 49 connections. It is run 3...
I did some more benchmark using `benchmark.jl`, which sets up a test database for 3 weeks (hourly resolution), 50 units, 50 nodes, and 49 connections. It is run 10 times...
CI tests are not passing now, it seems that it is a compatibility issue with the version of SpineToolbox. Because locally I have SpineToolbox 0.7.4, and all tests are passing.
Some further benchmarking using the following set-up: ``` url_in_invest, url_out_invest = setup(number_of_weeks=1, n_count=5, add_investment=true, add_rolling=false) SUITE["main", "run_spineopt", "investment"] = @benchmarkable run_spineopt($url_in_invest, $url_out_invest; log_level=3, optimize=false) samples = 3 evals = 1...
Added #965 because I found big Ms in MGA formulations.
@manuelma most of the information is indeed in #476 but they can improved for sure. I can start by listing and explain things here, and later we see where the...
Below is a list of parameters and relationships for current design and the new design. More explanations (including a document with more details) are in discussion #476. All below that...
Hi @manuelma, I have listed the relevant items for the current design vs the new design. Maybe it's better that more developers see this, so whoever is more available can...