remark copied to clipboard
16:9 for printing
I'm using remark for the first time and I like it very much, so thanks! The only issue I'm having is that generating a PDF for my presentation in 16:9 format doesn't quite work. The slides aren't filling the page in that case. I've tried both Chrome and Safari. What would be needed to support 16:9? Looking at the less file I can't really figure it out ;)
Any workarounds? I did presentation in remark, and after finishing it I found that 16:9 don't work
Found answer in
var slideshow = remark.create({ ratio: "16:9" });
Would be great to find the answer from #86 in the documentation/wiki.
I had very large white margin when making the pdf export (using printing) for the 16:9 ratio (including with wkhtmltopdf
For reference, this is what I used to solve this:
# --bbox "<left> <bottom> <right> <top>"
pdfcrop --bbox '80 160 540 418.75' printed_pdf.pdf output.pdf
should match your ratio (in my case 16/9).