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Post JSON structured event messages to InfluxDB

InfluxDB Storage Exchange

A RabbitMQ exchange type that stores messages that are routed through it as events in InfluxDB.

:boom:Important:boom: This project is deprecated and no longer maintained.


Messages that are routed through the influxdb_storage_exchange are examined to see if the content-type message property is specified. If it is, and the value is application/json, the message will be sent to InfluxDB. Additionally, if the timestamp is specified, it will automatically be mapped to the InfluxDB event time column.

Message Routing Behavior

The exchange behaves as a topic exchange for routing messages to queues, but will store every message it is able to in InfluxDB.


The name of the event will be taken from the routing key that the message is published with. The exchange will transform flat JSON event payloads to the proper format for InfluxDB. To illustrate this, the following message would be published with the pageview routing key, a content-type property of application/json and a timestamp property of 1397597512:

.. code-block:: javascript

    "duration": 4.52,
    "uri": "/example",
    "user_agent": "Google Chrome",
    "user_id": "arthurdent"

And will be transformed to the following payload for event submission:

.. code-block:: javascript

        "name": "pageview",
        "columns": [
        "points": [
            "Google Chrome",

More information on submitting InfluxDB event metrics is available at


Download the influxdb_storage_exchange plugin from the Releases <>_ page.


Extract the contents of the zip file into your RabbitMQ plugins directory. Once extracted, run rabbitmq-plugins enable influxdb_storage_exchange.


Configuration for submitting metrics to InfluxDB can be configured when declaring the exchange, via policy, or via the rabbitmq.config configuration file. If no configuration is provided, a default URL of http://localhost:8086/db/influxdb?u=rabbitmq&p=influxdb will be used for submitting metrics.

Argument Based Configuration

To subit metrics to InfluxDB using something other than the default URI of http://localhost:8086/db/influxdb?u=rabbitmq&p=influxdb, you can add arguments when declaring the exchange:

+--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | Setting | Description | Data Type | +==============+=================================================+===========+ | x-scheme | The protocol scheme to use (HTTP|HTTPS) | String | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | x-host | The InfluxDB server hostname | String | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | x-port | The port to connect on | Number | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | x-dbname | The database name to connect to | String | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | x-user | The user to connect as | String | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | x-password | The password to use when connecting | String | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | x-mime-match | Explicitly match application/json mime type | Boolean | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+

Policy Based Configuration

To apply configuration via a policy, the following settings are available:

+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | Setting | Description | Data Type | +=====================+=================================================+===========+ | influxdb-scheme | The protocol scheme to use (HTTP|HTTPS) | String | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | influxdb-host | The InfluxDB server hostname | String | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | influxdb-port | The port to connect on | Number | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | influxdb-dbname | The database name to connect to | String | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | influxdb-user | The user to connect as | String | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | influxdb-password | The password to use when connecting | String | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | influxdb-mime-match | Explicitly match application/json mime type | Boolean | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+

Configuration in rabbitmq.config

You can also change the default connection values in the rabbitmq.config file:

+--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | Setting | Description | Data Type | Default Value | +==============+=================================================+===========+===============+ | scheme | The protocol scheme to use | list | http | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | host | The InfluxDB server hostname | list | localhost | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | port | The port to connect on | integer | 8086 | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | dbname | The database name to connect to | list | influxdb | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | user | The user to connect as | list | rabbitmq | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | password | The password to use when connecting | list | influxdb | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+ | mime_match | Explicitly match application/json mime type | boolean | true | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+

Example rabbitmq.config

.. code-block:: erlang

    {scheme: "http"},
    {host: "localhost"},
    {port: 8086},
    {dbname: "rabbitmq"},
    {user: "rabbitmq"},
    {password: "influxdb"},
    {mime_match: false}


Steps to custom build a version of the influx-storage exchange plugin:

.. code-block:: bash

git clone
cd rabbitmq-public-umbrella
make co
make BRANCH=rabbitmq_v3_5_1 up_c
git clone
git clone
cd influxdb-storage-exchange