issue-sync-redmine-github copied to clipboard
Sync Redmine issues with Github issues
This Project let you Sync Redmine issues with Github issues with some caveats (on purpose).
Why ?
We use Redmine as a bug reporter for our internal and non technical teams and our developers manage them on Github for a better development workflow.
How it work?
First an issue has to be created on Redmine
If the issue has a specific status (ID) then it's synced to Github
If you modify the issue on Redmine those fields will reflect on Github:
- Title
- Description
- Assignee
- Status (open or closed on Github)
- Priority (as a label)
- Comments / Attached file (will update issue description)
If you modify the issue on Github those fields will reflect on Redmine:
- Assignee
- Status (as open or closed)
If you'd like to change those behaviors it should be pretty straightford to do so, do not hesitate to fork the project.
On Redmine
- You need a Redmine install >= 2.4, REST Api enabled and the Redmine Webhook plugin.
- Configure the Redmine Webhook URL to point to this App install (http://your-app-install/redmine_hebook)
On Github
- Create a Github personnal access token with rights on Repo checkbox
- Configure a Webhook URL for your Github repo to point to this App install (http://your-app-install/github_hebook)
- Go to your repository setting (, click "Add webhook", in the Payload URL field use this App URL (http://your-app-install/github_hebook), check event Issues and activate it.
Configure the Application
In order to sync data between Redmine and Github we need a way to map some fields, this is the role of the config/mapping.rb file, you should edit it:
# config/mapping.rb
# On those hash, keys refer to Redmine ID and value to Github corresponding one
## Github doesn't handle priority so it will be converted to labels
def priority
1 => "Low",
2 => "Normal",
3 => "High",
4 => "Urgent"
## Map Redmine user to Github user
def assignee
1 => "gmontard"
## Map Redmine status to Github status (which can only be closed or open)
def status
1 => "closed",
2 => "open"
## Default label for all issues
def default_label
- You need to setup those environments variables in order for the App to work:
DATABASE_URL # Database URL (ex: postgres://localhost/issue-sync-redmine-github)
DATABASE_NAME # Database name
DATABASE_USERNAME # Database username (ex: postgres)
DATABASE_PASSWORD # Database password
DATABASE_HOST # Database host (ex: localhost)
REDMINE_URL # Your Redmine Public base URL
REDMINE_API_KEY # Your Redmine API Key is available on your account page (*/my/account*)
GITHUB_API_KEY # Your Github access token
GITHUB_OWNER # Your Github Username
GITHUB_REPO # Your Github project Repo (for ex: *gmontard/issue-sync-redmine-github*)
In development you should creare a .env file and set those variables (see section Running in Development)
In production, if you use Heroku as mentioned below we'll use heroku config command (see section Deploy on Heroku)
Running in Development
- Build the Box:
vagrant up --provision
vagrant ssh
- Edit the config/mapping file and create a .env file, below some default env variables:
- Finish to configure the application:
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
- Also a console is available:
Deploy on Heroku
- Login through Heroku and create your heroku App:
heroku login
heroku create
- Add Postgresql Add-on
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
- Retrieve Postgresql Credentials
heroku config
#ex: => postgres://gvupfefeizddbfk:[email protected]:5432/jfkej87jhfp9
- Set the environments variables on Heroku:
heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=postgres://gvupfefeizddbfk:[email protected]:5432/jfkej87jhfp9
heroku config:set DATABASE_NAME=jfkej87jhfp9
heroku config:set DATABASE_USERNAME=gvupfefeizddbfk
heroku config:set DATABASE_PASSWORD=zURnLz87hjhfegsLjpl-DZ-bD
heroku config:set
heroku config:set REDMINE_URL=
heroku config:set REDMINE_API_KEY=
heroku config:set GITHUB_OWNER=
heroku config:set GITHUB_REPO=
heroku config:set GITHUB_API_KEY=
heroku config:set NEWRELIC_API_KEY=
- Deploy in production and run migrations
git push heroku master && heroku run rake db:migrate
Useful commands on Heroku
- Watching logs
heroku logs --tail
- Restarting the App
heroku restart
- Running rake command
heroku run rake COMMAND
- Launching ruby console
heroku run racksh
Do not forget to configure Webhook URL on Redmine and Github according to Requirements section above.
- Ruby 2.1
- Sinatra
- Postgresql
Copyright © 2014 Guillaume Montard and Vodeclic SAS released under the MIT license