vim-faust icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-faust copied to clipboard

This is a Vim syntax-highlighting plugin for Faust based on the original file in the Faust repository.


This is Vim syntax-highlighting plugin for the Faust programming language. It is based on the syntax file in the Faust repository and includes a few additions. I am improving my Regular Expressions skills as I go along, so please feel free to contribute.


  • MathDoc support
  • Separated UI elements and primitives into different highlighting categories
  • Label metadata
  • Improved integer and decimal recognition
  • Fixed forward slash recognition


I definitely recommend using Pathogen if you are not already:

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone

Or I suppose you could use Vundle if you're one of those kinds of people:

Plugin 'gmoe/vim-faust'

Future Additions

  • Improve LaTeX support within MathDoc
  • Fix over-eager highlighting for the , operator