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An R package for managing and seamlessly switching between sets of installed R packages.
The current documentation consists only of one vignette which isn't very in depth. From the package vignette I wasn't able to learn how to create a manifest file (the `publishManifest()`...
When installing a package from GitHub using `remotes::install_github()` (similarly with `devtools`) and then writing a manifest, the GitHub repo isn't automatically detected. This is manifested in two ways: 1. If...
Without an Internet connection (which is common in any package distribution system for security reasons), [the installation fails](https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/iucar/cran/fedora-31-x86_64/01260658-R-CRAN-switchr/builder-live.log.gz). Is it really necessary to download Bioc's configuration during installation? I'd suggest...
Hi Gabriel, thanks for `switchr` - it has been proven very useful in my day-to-day work. Currently, I have a seeding manifest defined in my global `.Rprofile` on which every...
TL;DR: when creating a library, `switchTo()` will quit with an error if the manifest is not carefully checked (e.g., if asking for some weird version that does not exist). Any...
A common desire is to switch between using the mgcv and gam packages, as noted here for example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22126611/r-package-conflict-between-gam-and-mgcv As noted in ?detach, > Further, registered S3 methods from the...
``` library(switchr) man = PkgManifest(name="metafor", type = "cran") sman = SessionManifest(man, c(metafor="1.9-7")) install_packages(sman) ``` Results in an empty, non-functional version of metafor being installed.
When running: ``` library(switchr) library(nlme) txt = capture.output(print(sessionInfo())) switchTo("SInfoTest", seed = txt) ``` I get: ``` Error in rawToChar(block[seq_len(ns)]) : embedded nul in string: 'PK\003\004\n\0\0\0\0\0nš†F\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\005\0\0\0nlme/PK\003\004\024\0\002\0\b\0bš†FhU\ 036ö\024\001\0\0\017\002\0\0\r\0\0\0nlme/CITATION…QÁjÃ0\f½ç+„Ù \031Mr/Ë¡kw\031' In addition: Warning...
@gmbecker as discussed in person, it would be good if we could optionally control which CRAN mirror switcher chooses to use.