Guillaume Mazoyer

Results 69 comments of Guillaume Mazoyer

Did you manage to reproduce this even in a restricted shell (setup mentioned [here](

We definitely have to fix the issue by sanitizing the user input or forbidding him to use some harmful characters. That is what was done to fix issue #13. In...

It could be an interesting feature. I believe that it could be a configuration option like `supported_ip_version`. But should it be global or per router? I can see a use...

That's actually not a bad idea. The current behavior is to use IPv6 if it is available (we are in 2018 for god sake). But using both IPv6 and IPv4...

Let's do that this way then 👍

`mkdocs.yml` is located in the root directory of the project. I'm using the latest mkdocs version grabbed using pip3. The weird thing is that it founds and parses all files...

Here you go a small example to reproduce the issue. I've been using a Markdown plugin but disabling it did not changed anything. Here is the output when trying to...

I confirm that I observe the same kind of blanks in my graphs too.

I've been thinking about this and maybe the best way to bring this feature is to add a field for it with a value for the user to select. Vendors...

I agree that it is likely another project. Maybe it's time to create a new organization on GitHub to group Peering Manager projects such as the initial project itself, the...