Guillaume Maze
Guillaume Maze
Closing because this seems to be addressed by responses above. I add that with the v0.1.14 release, you can fetch BGC data in expert mode, thus including SOCCOM floats
Hi @kelseybisson if you're still around, well this took a lot more time that expected, but the synthetic files are now available from the `erddap` data source, just check out...
closing because > the "classic" ANDRO database works fine for what I am doing.
I'm closing this issue on the following decisions: - Dev and unit testing are made on pinned environments (with [this GA workflow]( and ``ci/py*--pinned.yml`` env files) - Any commit can...
The PARAMETER_DATA_MODE is documented in the 2.6.5 section of the last user manual 2.6.5 PARAMETER_DATA_MODE In both the core- and b- profile files, the variable DATA_MODE(N_PROF) is not related...
If I look at these BGC floats: and The PARAMETER_DATA_MODE is well formatted and returned correctly with one value per parameter and profile So I guess the problem...
@RaphaelBajon you will have to rebase this old branch with the last master commit
Hi @RaphaelBajon I only see changes in the erddap data fetcher file, not in the xarray accessor ...
when I look here to see where are your changes: I don't see anything in the xarray accessor
> * Perhaps there will be some problems you have to run unit tests to make sure you're not beaking argopy with your changes ... you don't have to run...