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A Clang/LLVM add-on to enforce coding rules


A coding rule validation add-on for LLVM/clang, GPL v3 licensed.

Coding Rules constrain admissible constructs of a language to help produce better code. Crisp can be used to define and enforce rules for C and C++, like those in [High Integrity C++] HICPP, and [CERT's Secure Coding Standards] CERT-SCS.

Crisp rules are written in Prolog. A high-level declarative DSL to easily write new rules is under development. It will be called CRISP, an acronym for Coding Rules in Sugared Prolog.


Although Crisp should be quite portable, it has been tested on GNU/Linux only so far.


  1. [Install and build LLVM/clang sources] CLANG-GET-STARTED. Note that:

    • (Steps 2 and 3) There are also Git repositories available for both LLVM ( and clang ( that you can use as an alternative to svn.
    • (Step 4) It is not necessary.
    • (Step 5) By default, LLVM/clang is build in Debug+Asserts mode. There are many [other build combinations] LLVM-COMPILE. E.g., you can set environment variables ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 and DISABLE_ASSERTIONS=1 when running make to build in Release mode.
  2. Install SWI-Prolog. Version 5.10 or greater is recommended. It is most likely provided as a pre-compiled package for your GNU/Linux distribution. On Debian/Ubuntu (and derivatives) you simply need to type sudo apt-get install swi-prolog. On other systems, you need to be sure that a dynamic library (called on POSIX systems) is available. That means that if you install from [sources] SWIPL-DOWNLOAD, you must pass option --enable-shared to the configure script.

  3. Install Boost C++ Libraries, version 1.46.1 or greater. Crisp relies on header-only libraries. On Debian/Ubuntu (and derivatives) you only need to type sudo apt-get install libboost-dev. For other systems (or more recent versions of Boost) follow the [general installation instructions for Unix/Linux] BOOST-UNIX.

Download Crisp source code

Source code is available at GitHub:

git clone git:// crisp

Build Crisp

Let LLVM_SRC_ROOT (resp. LLVM_OBJ_ROOT) the absolute root path of your LLVM/clang source (resp. build) tree, and CRISP_SRC_ROOT the absolute root path of your Crisp source tree. Then do the following:

mkdir $LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/projects/crisp
cd $LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/projects/crisp
$CRISP_SRC_ROOT/configure \
  --with-llvmsrc=$LLVM_SRC_ROOT \

(In fact, it is possible to build Crisp in a different directory, but $LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/projects is meant to be used that way).

You will probably need also to set the header directory for SWI-Prolog, with the configure's extra argument --with-swipl-includes. E.g., in Debian/Ubuntu (and derivatives) you need to use --with-swipl-includes=/usr/lib/swi-prolog/include/. Installation directory can be set with --prefix=SOME_DIR_WITH_WRITE_ACCESS. Documentation for other configure command line options (such as --with-swipl-libs) can be obtained typing

$CRISP_SRC_ROOT/configure --help

Compilation is possible with a recent version of LLVM/clang (it does not work with GCC). As usual, you can specify a particular building compiler with environment variables CC and CXX. For instance, to compile Crisp using the same compiler you are building an add-on for, type:

make CC=$LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/$BUILD_MODE/bin/clang \

make install

where BUILD_MODE can be Release, Debug+Asserts, or another combination describing the debugging/optimizing/profiling options you have used to build LLVM/clang (see Prerequisite 1 above).

If build/install works correctly, it should drop two shared libraries in a lib sub-directory of your installation place: and They are a clang plugin and a loadable analysis pass for opt command, respectively. They are meant to work together to detect and report rule violations in your C/C++ code.

Basic Usage

Current code is still a proof of concept with very limited functionality. The very small number of coding rules already implemented can be found in the prolog/Rules directory of the source distribution. You can test them with your own C/C++ code, or using the example code in docs/examples.

For example, you can enable coding rule validation for testing file hicpp_3_3_11.cpp with

cd $CRISP_SRC_ROOT/docs/examples
$LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/$BUILD_MODE/bin/clang++ -cc1                       \
  -load $CRISP_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/                     \
  -add-plugin crisp-clang -plugin-arg-crisp-clang SomeHICPPrules  \
  -emit-llvm hicpp_3_3_13.cpp

where the meaning of all the options and variables used is the following:

  • -cc1: run the clang compiler, not the driver that invokes the different LLVM tools.
  • -load $CRISP_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ dynamically load a plugin that emits a warning message when some coding rule is violated. $CRISP_INSTALL_ROOT is the base directory where you have asked to install Crisp during configuration (see section "Build Crisp" above). If you have compiled Crisp with option ENABLE_DATA_OBJ_ROOT=1, all the necessary data to run the plugin can be found in the build tree (assume that its root is $CRISP_OBJ_ROOT), and you can load the plugin found in $CRISP_OBJ_ROOT/$BUILD_MODE/lib/ ($BUILD_MODE is one of Release, Debug+Asserts, etc.)
  • -add-plugin crisp-clang: run the plugin.
  • -plugin-arg-crisp-clang SomeHICPPrules: an argument to the plugin to choose a file with rule definitions (so far codified in Prolog). A .pl extension is optional. Rule files are first searched in the working directory, and then in a specific directory of the distribution/installation.
  • -emit-llvm: compile to LLVM IR.
  • hicpp_3_3_13.cpp: input file with C++ code to compile/analyze.

Three warning messages are expected on stderr telling that file hicpp_3_3_13.cpp contains three violations of rule HICPP 3.3.13.

Some rules need a second step (those that rely on alias analysis information):

$LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/$BUILD_MODE/bin/clang++ -cc1                       \
  -load $CRISP_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/                     \
  -add-plugin crisp-clang -plugin-arg-crisp-clang SomeHICPPrules  \
  -emit-llvm hicpp_3_4_2.cpp

$LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/$BUILD_MODE/bin/opt -analyze                       \
  -load $CRISP_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/                      \
  -crisp-mod -crisp-rules-file SomeHICPPrules                     \
  -basicaa hicpp_3_4_2.ll > /dev/null

The first command is the same shown before, but applied to example file hicpp_3_4_2.cpp. The second command runs the optimization and analysis tool of LLVM, and executes an analysis pass for rule validation based on alias analysis. The precision of rule checkers depends on the sophistication of the alias analysis used. -basicaa enables a simple alias analysis algorithm. Other useful alias analysis implementations require installing loadable modules distributed separately. The command takes as input a .ll file generated in the previous step. The expected output is a list of two warnings, telling that rule HICPP 3.4.2 has been violated by two different functions.

Known Issues

  • Rule violation reporting could be improved, specially for opt plug-in (assembler names are used to point functions out, and no line/column numbers are given to the user).
  • Extending the tool with user-defined rules requires a deep knowledge of both Prolog and Crisp internals. Next releases will focus on providing a high-level rule definition DSL that will be automatically translated into Prolog.