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Java libraries implementing the IVOA protocol: ADQL, UWS and TAP
VOLLT/TAPLib intentionally returns an HTTP-501 (Not Implemented) with a VOTable document describing the error when a requested TAP resource (e.g. sync, async, examples) does not exist. This is made on...
The following ADQL query: `SELECT top 20 t_min, obs_publisher_did, access_url FROM ivoa.ObsCore WHERE proposal_id like '072.C-0488%' AND t_min >= (SELECT t_min FROM ivoa.ObsCore WHERE obs_publisher_did = 'ivo://eso.org/ID?ADP.2014-09-26T16:51:34.173' ) ORDER BY...
Currently the endpoint quote returns the value of the field `quote` in the class `UWSJob`, with `-1` meaning no quote, but according to UWS it should return either the empty...
Thank you for the nice tutorial and doc that help to setup a running vollt server. Once configured and deployed the Web Application Skeleton properly returned /tables but failed with...
According to TAP1.1, I set the ivoa.ObsCore s_region field in TAP_SCHEMA.columns as follows: - datatype=”char” - arraysize=”*” - xtype=”adql:REGION” When querying with a constraint like: INTERSECTS(s_region,...)=1 , the ADQL Parser...
je super pool request :1st_place_medal: en gros - ajout des operateurs LOGIC_AND LOGIC_OR - modifs sur l'accessibilites de certaines methodes - ajout de librairie + correction de l'utilisation ParseException (??)
Hi Grégory, Depending on the output format selected, a job could still run after having reached the executionDuration limit. This can cause stress to the database server, hence we are...
I would like to store an array in a column of my TAP_SCHEMA, but since my DBMS (SQLServer) does not support this feature, I was thinking about saving it as...
A second `ON` keyword appears in a query using an `INNER JOIN` when asking for the ADQL representation of the syntactic tree returned by the ADQL parser. For instance: ```java...
TAP service returns an invalid error document, which is not parsable. When running the TAP query with a syntax error in 'async' mode, e.g. "SELECT TOP 1000 FROM TAP_SCHEMA.schemas" (missing...