glazewm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
glazewm copied to clipboard

[Bug] Workspaces Displayed on Multiple Screens in Top Bar

Open Entharia opened this issue 5 months ago • 0 comments

Describe the bug

I've set up my workspaces as follows:

  - name: '1'
    display_name: "1 Mail"
    bind_to_monitor: 0
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '2'
    display_name: "2 Code"
    bind_to_monitor: 1
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '3'
    display_name: "3 Browser"
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '4'
    display_name: "4 Obsidian"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '5'
    display_name: "5 Misc"
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '6'
    display_name: "6 SAP BOT"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '7'
    display_name: "7 SAP BOQ"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '8'
    display_name: "8 SAP BOP"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '9'

The issue I'm experiencing is that sometimes the "Code" workspace, or occasionally another one, appears on multiple screens in the top bar, as shown in this screenshot: image

Here's how my monitors are set up: image

Restarting the entire PC sometimes resolves the issue, not just restarting the app. Occasionally, switching the workspaces between monitors helps, but more often than not, it doesn't.


No idea. Maybe my configs are the problem?

glazewm config:

  # Commands to run when the WM has started (e.g. to run a script or launch
  # another application). Here we are running a batch script to start Zebar.
  startup_commands: ['shell-exec C:\Program Files\\Zebar\resources\start.bat']

  # Whether to automatically focus windows underneath the cursor.
  focus_follows_cursor: false

  # Whether to switch back and forth between the previously focused
  # workspace when focusing the current workspace.
  toggle_workspace_on_refocus: false

    # Whether to automatically move the cursor on the specified trigger.
    enabled: true

    # Trigger for cursor jump:
    # - 'monitor_focus': Jump when focus changes between monitors.
    # - 'window_focus': Jump when focus changes between windows.
    trigger: 'monitor_focus'

  # Gap between adjacent windows.
  inner_gap: '5px'

  # Gap between windows and the screen edge.
    top: '30px'
    right: '0px'
    bottom: '0px'
    left: '0px'

  # Visual effects to apply to the focused window.
    # Highlight the window with a colored border.
    # ** Exclusive to Windows 11 due to API limitations.
      enabled: true
      color: '#8dbcff'
  # Visual effects to apply to non-focused windows.
      enabled: true
      color: '#a1a1a1'

  # New windows are created in this state whenever possible.
  # Allowed values: 'tiling', 'floating'.
  initial_state: 'tiling'

  # Sets the default options for when a new window is created. This also
  # changes the defaults for when the state change commands, like
  # `set-floating`, are used without any flags.
      # Whether to center floating windows by default.
      centered: true

      # Whether to show floating windows as always on top.
      shown_on_top: false

      # Maximize the window if possible. If the window doesn't have a
      # maximize button, then it'll be fullscreen'ed normally instead.
      maximized: false

      # Whether to show fullscreen windows as always on top.
      shown_on_top: false

  - name: '1'
    display_name: "1 Mail"
    bind_to_monitor: 0
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '2'
    display_name: "2 Code"
    bind_to_monitor: 1
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '3'
    display_name: "3 Browser"
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '4'
    display_name: "4 Obsidian"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '5'
    display_name: "5 Misc"
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '6'
    display_name: "6 SAP BOT"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '7'
    display_name: "7 SAP BOQ"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '8'
    display_name: "8 SAP BOP"
    bind_to_monitor: 2
    keep_alive: true
  - name: '9'

  - commands: ['ignore']
      # Ignores any Zebar windows.
      - window_process: { equals: 'zebar' }

      # Ignores picture-in-picture windows for browsers.
      - window_title: { regex: '[Pp][Pp]icture' }
        window_class: { regex: 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1|MozillaDialogClass' }

      # Ignore rules for various 3rd-party apps.
      - window_process: { equals: 'winspy' }
      - window_process: { equals: 'PowerToys.PowerAccent' }
      - window_process: { equals: 'Lively' }
        window_class: { regex: 'HwndWrapper*' }
      - window_class: { equals: '#32770' }
        window_title: { regex: 'SAP Logon 770' }

  - commands: ["move --workspace 3"]
      - window_process: { regex: "msedge|brave|chrome|vivaldi|firefox" }
  - commands: ["move --workspace 1"]
      - window_process: { regex: "outlook|mail" }  
  - commands: ["move --workspace 2"]
      - window_process: { regex: "eclipse" }
  - commands: ["move --workspace 4"]
      - window_process: { regex: "obsidian" }

  - commands: ["move --workspace 6"]
      - window_class: { regex: "SAP_FRONTEND_SESSION" }
        window_title: { regex: ".*BOT.*" }
  - commands: ["move --workspace 7"]
      - window_class: { regex: "SAP_FRONTEND_SESSION" }
        window_title: { regex: ".*BOQ.*" }
  - commands: ["move --workspace 8"]
      - window_class: { regex: "SAP_FRONTEND_SESSION" }
        window_title: { regex: ".*BOP.*" }

  # When enabled, the focused window can be resized via arrow keys or HJKL.
  - name: 'resize'
      - commands: ['resize --width -2%']
        bindings: ['h', 'left']
      - commands: ['resize --width +2%']
        bindings: ['l', 'right']
      - commands: ['resize --height +2%']
        bindings: ['k', 'up']
      - commands: ['resize --height -2%']
        bindings: ['j', 'down']
      # Press enter/escape to return to default keybindings.
      - commands: ['wm-disable-binding-mode --name resize']
        bindings: ['escape', 'enter']

  # When enabled, all keybindings are disabled except for alt+shift+p which
  # returns to default keybindings.
  - name: 'pause'
      - commands: ['wm-disable-binding-mode --name pause']
        bindings: ['alt+shift+p']

  # Shift focus in a given direction.
  - commands: ['focus --direction left']
    bindings: ['alt+h', 'alt+left']
  - commands: ['focus --direction right']
    bindings: ['alt+l', 'alt+right']
  - commands: ['focus --direction up']
    bindings: ['alt+k', 'alt+up']
  - commands: ['focus --direction down']
    bindings: ['alt+j', 'alt+down']

  # Move focused window in a given direction.
  - commands: ['move --direction left']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+h', 'alt+shift+left']
  - commands: ['move --direction right']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+l', 'alt+shift+right']
  - commands: ['move --direction up']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+k', 'alt+shift+up']
  - commands: ['move --direction down']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+j', 'alt+shift+down']

  # Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount.
  - commands: ['resize --width -2%']
    bindings: ['alt+u']
  - commands: ['resize --width +2%']
    bindings: ['alt+p']
  - commands: ['resize --height +2%']
    bindings: ['alt+o']
  - commands: ['resize --height -2%']
    bindings: ['alt+i']

  # As an alternative to the resize keybindings above, resize mode enables
  # resizing via arrow keys or HJKL. The binding mode is defined above with
  # the name 'resize'.
  - commands: ['wm-enable-binding-mode --name resize']
    bindings: ['alt+r']

  # Disables all keybindings until alt+shift+p is pressed again.
  - commands: ['wm-enable-binding-mode --name pause']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+p']

  # Change tiling direction. This determines where new tiling windows will
  # be inserted.
  - commands: ['toggle-tiling-direction']
    bindings: ['alt+v']

  # Change focus from tiling windows -> floating -> fullscreen.
  - commands: ['wm-cycle-focus']
    bindings: ['alt+space']

  # Change the focused window to be floating.
  - commands: ['toggle-floating --centered']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+space']

  # Change the focused window to be tiling.
  - commands: ['toggle-tiling']
    bindings: ['alt+t']

  # Change the focused window to be fullscreen.
  - commands: ['toggle-fullscreen']
    bindings: ['alt+f']

  # Minimize focused window.
  - commands: ['toggle-minimized']
    bindings: ['alt+m']

  # Close focused window.
  - commands: ['close']
    bindings: ['alt+q']

  # Kill GlazeWM process safely.
  - commands: ['wm-exit']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+e']

  # Re-evaluate configuration file.
  - commands: ['wm-reload-config']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+r']

  # Redraw all windows.
  - commands: ['wm-redraw']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+w']

  # Launch CMD terminal. Alternatively, use `shell-exec wt` or
  # `shell-exec %ProgramFiles%/Git/git-bash.exe` to start Windows
  # Terminal and Git Bash respectively.
  - commands: ['shell-exec cmd']
    bindings: ['alt+enter']

  # Focus the next/previous workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
  - commands: ['focus --next-workspace']
    bindings: ['alt+s']
  - commands: ['focus --prev-workspace']
    bindings: ['alt+a']

  # Focus the workspace that last had focus.
  - commands: ['focus --recent-workspace']
    bindings: ['alt+d']

  # Change focus to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 1']
    bindings: ['alt+1']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 2']
    bindings: ['alt+2']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 3']
    bindings: ['alt+3']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 4']
    bindings: ['alt+4']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 5']
    bindings: ['alt+5']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 6']
    bindings: ['alt+6']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 7']
    bindings: ['alt+7']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 8']
    bindings: ['alt+8']
  - commands: ['focus --workspace 9']
    bindings: ['alt+9']

  # Move the focused window's parent workspace to a monitor in a given
  # direction.
  - commands: ['move-workspace --direction left']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+a']
  - commands: ['move-workspace --direction right']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+f']
  - commands: ['move-workspace --direction up']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+d']
  - commands: ['move-workspace --direction down']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+s']

  # Move focused window to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config.
  - commands: ['move --workspace 1', 'focus --workspace 1']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+1']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 2', 'focus --workspace 2']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+2']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 3', 'focus --workspace 3']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+3']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 4', 'focus --workspace 4']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+4']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 5', 'focus --workspace 5']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+5']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 6', 'focus --workspace 6']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+6']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 7', 'focus --workspace 7']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+7']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 8', 'focus --workspace 8']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+8']
  - commands: ['move --workspace 9', 'focus --workspace 9']
    bindings: ['alt+shift+9']

zebar config:

# Yaml is white-space sensitive (use 2 spaces to indent).

# Define a new window with an id of 'bar'. This window can then be opened
# via the Zebar cli by running 'zebar open bar --args <ARGS...>'.
# Docs regarding window:
  providers: ['self']
  # Width of the window in physical pixels.
  width: '{{ self.args.MONITOR_WIDTH }}'
  # Height of the window in physical pixels.
  height: '30'
  # X-position of the window in physical pixels.
  position_x: '{{ self.args.MONITOR_X }}'
  # Y-position of the window in physical pixels.
  position_y: '{{ self.args.MONITOR_Y }}'
  # Whether to show the window above/below all others.
  # Allowed values: 'always_on_top', 'always_on_bottom', 'normal'.
  z_order: 'normal'
  # Whether the window should be shown in the taskbar.
  shown_in_taskbar: false
  # Whether the window should have resize handles.
  resizable: false
  # Styles to apply globally within the window. For example, we can use
  # this to import the Nerdfonts icon font. Ref
  # for a cheatsheet of available Nerdfonts icons.
  global_styles: |
    @import "";
  # CSS styles to apply to the root element within the window. Using CSS
  # nesting, we can also target nested elements (e.g. below we set the
  # color and margin-right of icons).
  styles: |
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
    align-items: center;
    height: 100%;
    color: rgb(255 255 255 / 90%);
    font-family: ui-monospace, monospace;
    font-size: 12px;
    padding: 4px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(255 255 255 / 5%);;
    background: linear-gradient(rgb(0 0 0 / 50%), rgb(5 2 20 / 55%));

    i {
      color: rgb(115 130 175 / 95%);
      margin-right: 7px;

    styles: |
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;

      styles: |
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;

        .workspace {
          background: rgb(255 255 255 / 5%);
          margin-right: 4px;
          padding: 4px 8px;
          color: rgb(255 255 255 / 90%);
          border: none;
          border-radius: 2px;
          cursor: pointer;

          &.displayed {
            background: rgb(255 255 255 / 15%);

          &:hover {
            background: rgb(75 115 255 / 50%);
      providers: ['glazewm']
        - type: 'click'
          fn_path: 'script.js#focusWorkspace'
          selector: '.workspace'
      template: |
        @for (workspace of glazewm.currentWorkspaces) {
            class="workspace {{ workspace.hasFocus ? 'focused' : '' }} {{ workspace.isDisplayed ? 'displayed' : '' }}"
            id="{{ }}"
            {{ workspace.displayName ?? }}

    styles: |
      justify-self: center;

      providers: ['date']
      # Available date tokens:
      template: |
        {{ date.toFormat(, 'EEEE	d MMMM t') }}

    styles: |
      justify-self: end;
      display: flex;

      .template {
        margin-left: 20px;

      providers: ['glazewm']
      styles: |
        .tiling-direction {
          background: rgb(255 255 255 / 15%);
          color: rgb(255 255 255 / 90%);
          border-radius: 2px;
          padding: 4px 6px;
          margin: 0;

      template: |
        @for (bindingMode of glazewm.bindingModes) {
          <span class="binding-mode">
            {{ bindingMode.displayName ?? }}

        @if (glazewm.tilingDirection === 'horizontal') {
          <i class="tiling-direction nf nf-md-swap_horizontal"></i>
        } @else {
          <i class="tiling-direction nf nf-md-swap_vertical"></i>

      providers: ['network']
      template: |
        <!-- Show icon based on signal strength. -->
        @if (network.defaultInterface?.type === 'ethernet') {
          <i class="nf nf-md-ethernet_cable"></i>
        } @else if (network.defaultInterface?.type === 'wifi') {
          @if (network.defaultGateway?.signalStrength >= 80) {<i class="nf nf-md-wifi_strength_4"></i>}
          @else if (network.defaultGateway?.signalStrength >= 65) {<i class="nf nf-md-wifi_strength_3"></i>}
          @else if (network.defaultGateway?.signalStrength >= 40) {<i class="nf nf-md-wifi_strength_2"></i>}
          @else if (network.defaultGateway?.signalStrength >= 25) {<i class="nf nf-md-wifi_strength_1"></i>}
          @else {<i class="nf nf-md-wifi_strength_outline"></i>}
          {{ network.defaultGateway?.ssid }}
        } @else {
          <i class="nf nf-md-wifi_strength_off_outline"></i>

      providers: ['memory']
      template: |
        <i class="nf nf-fae-chip"></i>
        {{ Math.round(memory.usage) }}%

      providers: ['cpu']
      styles: |
        .high-usage {
          color: #900029;
      template: |
        <i class="nf nf-oct-cpu"></i>

        <!-- Change the text color if the CPU usage is high. -->
        @if (cpu.usage > 85) {
          <span class="high-usage">{{ Math.round(cpu.usage) }}%</span>
        } @else {
          <span>{{ Math.round(cpu.usage) }}%</span>

      providers: ['battery']
      styles: |
        position: relative;

        .charging-icon {
          position: absolute;
          font-size: 11px;
          left: 7px;
          top: 2px;
      template: |
        <!-- Show icon for whether battery is charging. -->
        @if (battery.isCharging) {<i class="nf nf-md-power_plug charging-icon"></i>}

        <!-- Show icon for how much of the battery is charged. -->
        @if (battery.chargePercent > 90) {<i class="nf nf-fa-battery_4"></i>}
        @else if (battery.chargePercent > 70) {<i class="nf nf-fa-battery_3"></i>}
        @else if (battery.chargePercent > 40) {<i class="nf nf-fa-battery_2"></i>}
        @else if (battery.chargePercent > 20) {<i class="nf nf-fa-battery_1"></i>}
        @else {<i class="nf nf-fa-battery_0"></i>}

        {{ Math.round(battery.chargePercent) }}%

      providers: ['weather']
      template: |
        @switch (weather.status) {
          @case ('clear_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_sunny"></i>}
          @case ('clear_night') {<i class="nf nf-weather-night_clear"></i>}
          @case ('cloudy_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_cloudy"></i>}
          @case ('cloudy_night') {<i class="nf nf-weather-night_alt_cloudy"></i>}
          @case ('light_rain_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_sprinkle"></i>}
          @case ('light_rain_night') {<i class="nf nf-weather-night_alt_sprinkle"></i>}
          @case ('heavy_rain_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_rain"></i>}
          @case ('heavy_rain_night') {<i class="nf nf-weather-night_alt_rain"></i>}
          @case ('snow_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_snow"></i>}
          @case ('snow_night') {<i class="nf nf-weather-night_alt_snow"></i>}
          @case ('thunder_day') {<i class="nf nf-weather-day_lightning"></i>}
          @case ('thunder_night') {<i class="nf nf-weather-night_alt_lightning"></i>}
        {{ weather.celsiusTemp }}°

Stack trace or error logs (if applicable)

No response

Version number


Entharia avatar Aug 30 '24 07:08 Entharia