For a character stream, you could use something like: ``` (read-char-no-hang *socket-stream* nil :eof) ``` For a binary stream, it might be more difficult as there is no `read-byte-no-hang` function...
Your state file looks ok, I don't see why the program would fail to parse it... Did you edit the state file to modify something? What are the full command...
I can't reproduce the issue. Maybe you could modify or add debug traces in the ```restore_state()``` function in **src/bruteforce-wallet.c** to see where the parsing fails exactly...
Currently, user supplied raw IVs are not implemented. Two types of openssl encryption are supported so far: - files encrypted with e.g. ```openssl enc -aes256-cbc -in clear.dat -out encrypted.dat```, these...
@JasonLeeWeiHern ```bruteforce-salted-openssl -n -t 4 -c aes-256-cbc my_key.enc```
There is no handshake when decrypting a LUKS volume. The password the user enters is used to derive a user key using PBKDF2 or Argon2i, and this user key is...
There's an exemple in the README file showing how to work on a file containing the header instead of the block device directly. If ```/dev/sda1``` is a LUKS volume, you...
*bruteforce-luks* doesn't use *gcrypt*, so it looks like the problem comes from *cryptsetup* when it is compiled with the *gcrypt* backend. Maybe a more recent version of *libgcrypt* could solve...
Currently pattern exclusion is not implemented in the program.
This is probably caused by some lock contention in the ```read_dictionary_line``` or ```generate_next_password``` functions. The program could be improved by generating/reading the next passwords to try in a dedicated thread...