image-occlusion-enhanced icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
image-occlusion-enhanced copied to clipboard

Learned cards get reset as new

Open AKR15 opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

Problem description

Every time I create new cards, when I close the window, I get an error message. After that a bunch of cards that I had already learned got changed back to new. I went from having 18 new cards to 340 new cards and only cards that I had already learned. This has happened twice now. It is not really clear to me if this is really related to the error, but that's the only explanation I can think of. I tried to see if this error already existed and couldn't find it, I'm sorry if it does and I overlooked it. Thanks for the help!

Please describe the issue concisely in here. In case of an error: Walk us through the steps you took to get there. What happened? What did you expect to happen?


Please replace the space inside the brackets with an x if the following items apply:

  • [x] I've restarted Anki to see if it helps
  • [x] I've verified that I use the latest version of the add-on by redownloading it from AnkiWeb
  • [x] I've verified that I use the latest version of Anki by checking at
  • [ ] I've tried to disable other add-ons to see if there are any interactions present
  • [ ] My issue disappears when I hold shift while starting Anki.
  • [x] I've checked if anyone else reported this problem before by looking through the issue reports. I also checked to see if there is a section about known issues in the add-on description, documentation, or README.

Information about your Anki set-up

Please open Anki, go to Help → About, click on "Copy Debug Info", and paste the result between the backticks below (if the button does not appear you are using an older version of Anki 2.1 and will need to update first):

    Anki 2.1.38 (355e4cd5) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
    Platform: Mac 10.16
    Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=1
    Add-ons, last update check: 2021-01-19 19:21:26
    ===Add-ons (active)===
    (add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
    '' ['popup_dictionary', 0, 'None', mod]
    '' ['put_ALL_due_learning_cards_first', 0, 'None', '']
    '' ['zoom', 0, 'None', '']
    AMBOSS add-on ['0amboss_addon', 2020-09-17T14:15, 'None', '']
    Anki Simulator ['817108664', 2020-07-21T16:17, 'None', '']
    Batch Editing ['291119185', 2019-09-19T19:04, 'None', '']
    BetterSearch ['1052724801', 2020-10-25T21:49, 'None', mod]
    Browser Resizer ['1435775540', 2020-09-08T04:04, 'None', '']
    Browser TableEditor side-by-side horizontal split ['831846358', 2020-07-08T01:44, 'None', mod]
    Convert Subdecks to Tag Hierarchy ['Convert_Subdecks_to_Tags', 0, 'None', '']
    Create Filtered Deck from the Browser ['861263371', 2019-03-02T04:14, 'None', '']
    Customize Sidebar ['1988760596', 2020-01-19T21:50, 'None', mod]
    Edit Field During Review ['1020366288', 2020-10-07T14:22, 'None', '']
    Extended Card Stats During Review ['1008566916', 2019-03-02T04:14, 'None', '']
    Extended Tag AddEdit Dialog ['1135507717', 2020-06-30T15:46, 'None', mod]
    Fastbar another toolbar for Anki 21 beta ['1955978390', 2019-03-17T20:42, 'None', '']
    Free Weekend - or Any Other Day ['742185195', 2020-04-10T13:57, 'None', mod]
    Frozen Fields ['516643804', 2020-03-01T05:12, 'None', '']
    Highlight Search Results in the Browser ['225180905', 2019-03-03T00:36, 'None', '']
    Hint Hotkeys ['1844908621', 2019-02-26T19:58, 'None', '']
    Image Occlusion Enhanced for Anki 21 alpha ['1374772155', 2020-04-28T04:21, 'None', '']
    Image Style Editor ['1593969147', 2020-12-17T14:06, 'None', mod]
    ImageResizer ['1214357311', 2020-12-18T15:01, 'None', '']
    Large and Colorful Buttons ['1829090218', 2018-10-02T19:41, 'None', '']
    Maximum image height and width in card editor ['229181581', 2020-02-20T09:10, 'None', mod]
    Mini Format Pack ['295889520', 2018-07-24T19:45, 'None', '']
    More Decks Stats and Time Left ['1556734708', 2020-03-31T22:19, 'None', '']
    More Overview Stats 21 ['738807903', 2020-12-04T00:53, 'None', mod]
    Pop-up Dictionary beta ['153625306', 2019-03-23T18:32, 'None', '']
    Progress Bar ['2091361802', 2019-03-03T03:27, 'None', '']
    Quick Colour Changing ['2491935955', 2019-03-03T03:26, 'None', mod]
    Refocus Card when Reviewing 21 ['1642550423', 2018-09-19T16:14, 'None', '']
    Reset Ease ['947935257', 2020-12-27T15:59, 'None', '']
    Review Heatmap ['review_heatmap', 2020-04-30T15:23, 'None', '']
    Syllabus - Anki Statistics and Export by Tag and Deck ['668156440', 2020-01-19T21:50, 'None', mod]
    Symbols As You Type ['2040501954', 2020-04-30T16:32, 'None', '']
    Symbols ['1461102936', 2019-04-23T15:37, 'None', mod]
    Web Browser - Search terms Import texts and images automatically ['864545277', 2020-08-29T20:23, 'None', mod]
    add-on dialog searchfilter bar ['561945101', 2020-05-08T15:16, 'None', '']
    ===IDs of active AnkiWeb add-ons===
    1008566916 1020366288 1052724801 1135507717 1214357311 1374772155 1435775540 1461102936 153625306 1556734708 1593969147 1642550423 1829090218 1844908621 1955978390 1988760596 2040501954 2091361802 225180905 229181581 2491935955 291119185 295889520 516643804 561945101 668156440 738807903 742185195 817108664 831846358 861263371 864545277 947935257
    ===Add-ons (inactive)===
    (add-on provided name [Add-on folder, installed at, version, is config changed])
    Add Hyperlink ['318752047', 2020-07-29T22:37, 'None', '']
    Button Colours Good Again ['2494384865', 2020-02-09T13:18, 'None', '']
    Edit Field During Review Cloze ['385888438', 2020-12-17T09:42, 'None', '']
    Hierarchical Tags 2 ['594329229', 2020-04-11T18:36, 'None', '']
    Load Balanced Scheduler ['208879074', 2019-07-24T04:37, 'None', '']
    Pokemanki ['633922407', 2020-03-04T04:09, 'None', '']
    Puppy Reinforcement ['puppy_reinforcer', 0, 'None', mod]
    Special Fields ['1102281552', 2021-01-13T00:35, 'None', '']
    Speed Focus Mode (auto Good and Pause button) ['speedfocus_AnKing', 0, 'None', '']

Error message (if any)

If you've received an error message, please copy and paste it between the backticks below:

Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte starten Sie Anki neu und halten Sie während des Startvorgangs die Umschalttaste gedrückt, damit Anki die installierten Erweiterungen temporär deaktiviert.
Wenn das Problem nur auftritt, wenn die Erweiterungen aktiviert sind, dann benutzen Sie bitte den Menueintrag Extras > Erweiterungen um die problembehaftete Erweiterung durch selektives Deaktivieren herauszufinden.
Wenn Sie die entsprechende Erweiterung herausgefunden haben, dann bitten wir, dass Sie sich mit einem entsprechenden Problembericht an die Support-Seite für Erweiterungen wenden, damit der Fehler behoben werden kann.
Anki 2.1.38 (355e4cd5) Python 3.8.6 Qt 5.14.2 PyQt 5.14.2
Platform: Mac 10.16
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=1
Add-ons, last update check: 2021-01-19 19:21:26
Möglicherweise beteiligte Erweiterungen: ⁨Image Occlusion Enhanced for Anki 21 alpha⁩

--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "logging/", line 1084, in emit
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6' in position 1525: ordinal not in range(128)
Call stack:
  File "runankimac", line 12, in <module>
  File "aqt/", line 405, in run
  File "aqt/", line 574, in _run
  File "aqt/", line 515, in handler
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 278, in <lambda>
    lambda val, choice=choice, close=close: self._onAddNotesButton(choice, close, val))
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 293, in _onAddNotesButton
    r = gen.generateNotes()
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 96, in generateNotes
    self._saveMaskAndReturnNote(omask_path, qmasks[nr], amasks[nr],
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 447, in _saveMaskAndReturnNote
    logging.debug("!notecreate %s", note)
  File "logging/", line 2080, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
  File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
  File "logging/", line 950, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1183, in emit
  File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: '!notecreate %s'
Arguments: (<anki.notes.Note object at 0x7fc769073070> {'_fmap': {'Answer Mask': (9, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Answer Mask', 'ord': 9, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 1': (7, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 1', 'ord': 7, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 2': (8, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 2', 'ord': 8, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Footer': (4, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Footer', 'ord': 4, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Header': (1, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Header', 'ord': 1, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'ID (hidden)': (0, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'ID (hidden)', 'ord': 0, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Image': (2, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Image', 'ord': 2, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Original Mask': (10, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Original Mask', 'ord': 10, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Question Mask': (3, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Question Mask', 'ord': 3, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Remarks': (5, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Remarks', 'ord': 5, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Sources': (6, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Sources', 'ord': 6, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False})},
 'fields': ['5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-1',
            'Röntgen Thorax seitlich Strukturen',
            '<img src="Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-19 um 19.23.08.png" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-1-Q.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-1-A.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-O.svg" />'],
 'guid': 'N._NV7=Lby',
 'id': 1611084460853,
 'mid': 1604348378439,
 'mod': 0,
 'tags': ['Herz-Kreislauf', 'Anatomie'],
 'usn': 0},)
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "logging/", line 1084, in emit
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6' in position 1525: ordinal not in range(128)
Call stack:
  File "runankimac", line 12, in <module>
  File "aqt/", line 405, in run
  File "aqt/", line 574, in _run
  File "aqt/", line 515, in handler
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 278, in <lambda>
    lambda val, choice=choice, close=close: self._onAddNotesButton(choice, close, val))
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 293, in _onAddNotesButton
    r = gen.generateNotes()
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 96, in generateNotes
    self._saveMaskAndReturnNote(omask_path, qmasks[nr], amasks[nr],
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 447, in _saveMaskAndReturnNote
    logging.debug("!notecreate %s", note)
  File "logging/", line 2080, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
  File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
  File "logging/", line 950, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1183, in emit
  File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: '!notecreate %s'
Arguments: (<anki.notes.Note object at 0x7fc769073070> {'_fmap': {'Answer Mask': (9, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Answer Mask', 'ord': 9, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 1': (7, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 1', 'ord': 7, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 2': (8, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 2', 'ord': 8, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Footer': (4, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Footer', 'ord': 4, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Header': (1, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Header', 'ord': 1, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'ID (hidden)': (0, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'ID (hidden)', 'ord': 0, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Image': (2, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Image', 'ord': 2, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Original Mask': (10, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Original Mask', 'ord': 10, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Question Mask': (3, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Question Mask', 'ord': 3, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Remarks': (5, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Remarks', 'ord': 5, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Sources': (6, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Sources', 'ord': 6, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False})},
 'fields': ['5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-2',
            'Röntgen Thorax seitlich Strukturen',
            '<img src="Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-19 um 19.23.08.png" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-2-Q.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-2-A.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-O.svg" />'],
 'guid': 'D(wrTv~Omn',
 'id': 1611084460867,
 'mid': 1604348378439,
 'mod': 0,
 'tags': ['Herz-Kreislauf', 'Anatomie'],
 'usn': 0},)
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "logging/", line 1084, in emit
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6' in position 1525: ordinal not in range(128)
Call stack:
  File "runankimac", line 12, in <module>
  File "aqt/", line 405, in run
  File "aqt/", line 574, in _run
  File "aqt/", line 515, in handler
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 278, in <lambda>
    lambda val, choice=choice, close=close: self._onAddNotesButton(choice, close, val))
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 293, in _onAddNotesButton
    r = gen.generateNotes()
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 96, in generateNotes
    self._saveMaskAndReturnNote(omask_path, qmasks[nr], amasks[nr],
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 447, in _saveMaskAndReturnNote
    logging.debug("!notecreate %s", note)
  File "logging/", line 2080, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
  File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
  File "logging/", line 950, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1183, in emit
  File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: '!notecreate %s'
Arguments: (<anki.notes.Note object at 0x7fc769073070> {'_fmap': {'Answer Mask': (9, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Answer Mask', 'ord': 9, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 1': (7, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 1', 'ord': 7, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 2': (8, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 2', 'ord': 8, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Footer': (4, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Footer', 'ord': 4, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Header': (1, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Header', 'ord': 1, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'ID (hidden)': (0, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'ID (hidden)', 'ord': 0, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Image': (2, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Image', 'ord': 2, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Original Mask': (10, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Original Mask', 'ord': 10, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Question Mask': (3, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Question Mask', 'ord': 3, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Remarks': (5, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Remarks', 'ord': 5, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Sources': (6, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Sources', 'ord': 6, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False})},
 'fields': ['5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-3',
            'Röntgen Thorax seitlich Strukturen',
            '<img src="Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-19 um 19.23.08.png" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-3-Q.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-3-A.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-O.svg" />'],
 'guid': 'GL6R6j2<3=',
 'id': 1611084460872,
 'mid': 1604348378439,
 'mod': 0,
 'tags': ['Herz-Kreislauf', 'Anatomie'],
 'usn': 0},)
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "logging/", line 1084, in emit
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6' in position 1525: ordinal not in range(128)
Call stack:
  File "runankimac", line 12, in <module>
  File "aqt/", line 405, in run
  File "aqt/", line 574, in _run
  File "aqt/", line 515, in handler
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 278, in <lambda>
    lambda val, choice=choice, close=close: self._onAddNotesButton(choice, close, val))
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 293, in _onAddNotesButton
    r = gen.generateNotes()
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 96, in generateNotes
    self._saveMaskAndReturnNote(omask_path, qmasks[nr], amasks[nr],
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 447, in _saveMaskAndReturnNote
    logging.debug("!notecreate %s", note)
  File "logging/", line 2080, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
  File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
  File "logging/", line 950, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1183, in emit
  File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: '!notecreate %s'
Arguments: (<anki.notes.Note object at 0x7fc769073070> {'_fmap': {'Answer Mask': (9, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Answer Mask', 'ord': 9, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 1': (7, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 1', 'ord': 7, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 2': (8, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 2', 'ord': 8, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Footer': (4, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Footer', 'ord': 4, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Header': (1, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Header', 'ord': 1, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'ID (hidden)': (0, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'ID (hidden)', 'ord': 0, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Image': (2, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Image', 'ord': 2, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Original Mask': (10, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Original Mask', 'ord': 10, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Question Mask': (3, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Question Mask', 'ord': 3, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Remarks': (5, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Remarks', 'ord': 5, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Sources': (6, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Sources', 'ord': 6, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False})},
 'fields': ['5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-4',
            'Röntgen Thorax seitlich Strukturen',
            '<img src="Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-19 um 19.23.08.png" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-4-Q.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-4-A.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-O.svg" />'],
 'guid': 'KVmZ7!yxt4',
 'id': 1611084460877,
 'mid': 1604348378439,
 'mod': 0,
 'tags': ['Herz-Kreislauf', 'Anatomie'],
 'usn': 0},)
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "logging/", line 1084, in emit
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6' in position 1525: ordinal not in range(128)
Call stack:
  File "runankimac", line 12, in <module>
  File "aqt/", line 405, in run
  File "aqt/", line 574, in _run
  File "aqt/", line 515, in handler
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 278, in <lambda>
    lambda val, choice=choice, close=close: self._onAddNotesButton(choice, close, val))
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 293, in _onAddNotesButton
    r = gen.generateNotes()
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 96, in generateNotes
    self._saveMaskAndReturnNote(omask_path, qmasks[nr], amasks[nr],
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 447, in _saveMaskAndReturnNote
    logging.debug("!notecreate %s", note)
  File "logging/", line 2080, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
  File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
  File "logging/", line 950, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1183, in emit
  File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: '!notecreate %s'
Arguments: (<anki.notes.Note object at 0x7fc769073070> {'_fmap': {'Answer Mask': (9, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Answer Mask', 'ord': 9, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 1': (7, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 1', 'ord': 7, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 2': (8, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 2', 'ord': 8, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Footer': (4, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Footer', 'ord': 4, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Header': (1, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Header', 'ord': 1, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'ID (hidden)': (0, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'ID (hidden)', 'ord': 0, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Image': (2, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Image', 'ord': 2, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Original Mask': (10, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Original Mask', 'ord': 10, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Question Mask': (3, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Question Mask', 'ord': 3, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Remarks': (5, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Remarks', 'ord': 5, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Sources': (6, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Sources', 'ord': 6, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False})},
 'fields': ['5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-5',
            'Röntgen Thorax seitlich Strukturen',
            '<img src="Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-19 um 19.23.08.png" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-5-Q.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-5-A.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-O.svg" />'],
 'guid': 'N4sR[iRk67',
 'id': 1611084460882,
 'mid': 1604348378439,
 'mod': 0,
 'tags': ['Herz-Kreislauf', 'Anatomie'],
 'usn': 0},)
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "logging/", line 1084, in emit
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xf6' in position 1525: ordinal not in range(128)
Call stack:
  File "runankimac", line 12, in <module>
  File "aqt/", line 405, in run
  File "aqt/", line 574, in _run
  File "aqt/", line 515, in handler
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 278, in <lambda>
    lambda val, choice=choice, close=close: self._onAddNotesButton(choice, close, val))
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 293, in _onAddNotesButton
    r = gen.generateNotes()
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 96, in generateNotes
    self._saveMaskAndReturnNote(omask_path, qmasks[nr], amasks[nr],
  File "/Users/annarahn/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1374772155/", line 447, in _saveMaskAndReturnNote
    logging.debug("!notecreate %s", note)
  File "logging/", line 2080, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1422, in debug
  File "logging/", line 1577, in _log
  File "logging/", line 1587, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1649, in callHandlers
  File "logging/", line 950, in handle
  File "logging/", line 1183, in emit
  File "logging/", line 1089, in emit
Message: '!notecreate %s'
Arguments: (<anki.notes.Note object at 0x7fc769073070> {'_fmap': {'Answer Mask': (9, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Answer Mask', 'ord': 9, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 1': (7, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 1', 'ord': 7, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Extra 2': (8, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Extra 2', 'ord': 8, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Footer': (4, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Footer', 'ord': 4, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Header': (1, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Header', 'ord': 1, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'ID (hidden)': (0, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'ID (hidden)', 'ord': 0, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Image': (2, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Image', 'ord': 2, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Original Mask': (10, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Original Mask', 'ord': 10, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Question Mask': (3, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Question Mask', 'ord': 3, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Remarks': (5, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Remarks', 'ord': 5, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False}),
           'Sources': (6, {'font': 'Arial', 'name': 'Sources', 'ord': 6, 'rtl': False, 'size': 20, 'sticky': False})},
 'fields': ['5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-6',
            'Röntgen Thorax seitlich Strukturen',
            '<img src="Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-19 um 19.23.08.png" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-6-Q.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-6-A.svg" />',
            '<img src="5e6f66ed133d471aa13ceb43ce227809-ao-O.svg" />'],
 'guid': 't@NrI85PC0',
 'id': 1611084460887,
 'mid': 1604348378439,
 'mod': 0,
 'tags': ['Herz-Kreislauf', 'Anatomie'],
 'usn': 0},)

AKR15 avatar Jan 19 '21 19:01 AKR15