Tom Nielsen
Tom Nielsen
@Tacioandrade have you tried `` or `owner===$user_id` (sadly the order matters, X==Y is not the same as Y==X) There where expression parser implementation is terrible, will do something more flexible...
implemented in #2006. use `dereference=key_field_name` in the query string, example in tests: ``` /api/patients/?dereference=favbook ``` (`favbook` is a field on `patients` table, key to the Books table). You should be...
@markwb-NL I can't replicate this. When i delete rows with Files and Delete cascade to file, the file is deleted. How are you deleting the row? With a Delete action?...
@j2l there should be docker container images for 0.8.0-beta.4:
set_fields sets the values of a field, not the options. To set the options: 1) use a normal select with where formula, referring to a different field 2) use select_from_table...
I'm wondering if this can simply be done by loading a JS header file, especially if we add some appropriate classes to various elements
this will probably go away when #2311 is merged
Ok, i need to add fieldviews to aggregations in the builder. i guess we used to have this for List but never for Show
@HFolkertH aggregation fieldview configuration implemented in #2342. It should also be more correct now because Count aggregation fieldviews are chosen as Integers. I have updated