Tom Nielsen
Tom Nielsen
an overview of some possibilities
single word searches are now treated as prefixes. So salt would match saltcorn etc
i never finished that plugin, sorry. in any case I will probably switch the admin grid editor to Tabulator and then also do a plug-in for that instead.
working on this
I've wanted to do questionnaires for a long time, but I always assumed I would have to write some plug-in for it. Using the stepper never occurred to me. This...
8. You can do some of this already with the show if.. In the container in Edit views. I think this accepts a JavaScript expression
2 is now done - instead of a read-only flag, you can simply choose field views that are not inputs but show the data in the Fieldview choice. Try for...
Yes, this is a very good point. I will update the documentation this morning
Specifically to answer your question @AleksandrSokolov, noSignal means: do not signal the refresh to other cluster processes (for multi-core - node.js is Single threaded, so to exploit multiple cores we...
Thanks! I'd be delighted to have some help with this. I think we should add a wiki section on plug-ins aiming to have a page for every plug-in with the...