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Device info is not listed on the nodes after peer detach
Observed behavior
Device info is not listed on the nodes after peer detach. And when tried to add the device it is throwing below error.
[root@gluster-kube2-0 /]# glustercli device add e0275243-b512-4df0-8588-075ebd65e3a5 /dev/vdc Device add failed
Response headers: X-Gluster-Cluster-Id: f1291712-add8-4741-936e-b3234d54cd5c X-Gluster-Peer-Id: e0275243-b512-4df0-8588-075ebd65e3a5 X-Request-Id: 58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e
Response body: transaction to prepare device failed
time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220685" level=error msg="Failed to create physical volume" device=/dev/vdc error="exit status 5; Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/vdc" of volume group "gluster-dev-vdc" without -ff\n /dev/vdc: physical volume not initialized.\n" reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[transaction.go:29:device.txnPrepareDevice]" txnid=72ceb68c-2e8b-43e2-a8f0-1346a290083f time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220820" level=error msg="Step failed on node." error="exit status 5; Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/vdc" of volume group "gluster-dev-vdc" without -ff\n /dev/vdc: physical volume not initialized.\n" node=e0275243-b512-4df0-8588-075ebd65e3a5 reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[step.go:120:transaction.runStepFuncOnNodes]" step=prepare-device txnid=72ceb68c-2e8b-43e2-a8f0-1346a290083f time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220876" level=error msg="Transaction failed, rolling back changes" error="Step prepare-device failed on 1 nodes" reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[transaction.go:149:transaction.(*Txn).Do]" txnid=72ceb68c-2e8b-43e2-a8f0-1346a290083f time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220917" level=error msg="Transaction to prepare device failed" error="Step prepare-device failed on 1 nodes" reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[rest.go:92:device.deviceAddHandler]"
Expected/desired behavior
Device info should get listed on the nodes after peer detach.
Details on how to reproduce (minimal and precise)
- Create a 3 node gcs setup using vagrant.
- Peer detach all the nodes
- Now check the attached devices on the nodes using below command, "glustercli device info"
Information about the environment:
- Glusterd2 version used (e.g. v4.1.0 or master): glusterd version: v6.0-dev.93.gitd4ca2cb git SHA: d4ca2cb go version: go1.11.2 go OS/arch: linux/amd64
- Operating system used: CentOS 7.5
- Glusterd2 compiled from sources, as a package (rpm/deb), or container: Container
- Using External ETCD: (yes/no, if yes ETCD version): Yes version: 3.3.8
- If container, which container image:
- Using kubernetes, openshift, or direct install:
- If kubernetes/openshift, is gluster running inside kubernetes/openshift or outside: Kubernetes