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LoRa node on nRF52

LoRa MAC class A node on Nordic nRF52


Developed and tested on Nordic's PCA10040 DK and Semtech's SX1276MB1MAS


Cut SB7 (LED3) and SB8 (LED4) - used for DIO4&5


Built using Nordic's SDK v13.0.0 and gcc version 5.4.1 Using S132 Softdevice v4.0.2

Debug prints using Segger's RTT mechanism.


Set LORAWAN_APPLICATION_EUI and LORAWAN_APPLICATION_KEY in config/Comissioning.h Device EUI is taken from nRF unique device ID (FICR DEVICEADDR).


Modify SDK_ROOT in Makefile to point to Nordic's SDK root Make sure nrfjprog is in PATH run make flash_softdevice && make flash