glpi copied to clipboard
Dashboard Random Cards have big Waterfall
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Bug description
On Clean GLPI with php8.3 and nginx
, cards a big waterfall, it's not happend on same card, it's random card.
I have configurated opcache, apcu and nginx with gzip.
Relevant log output
No response
Page URL
No response
Steps To reproduce
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Your GLPI setup information
Operating system: Linux instance-new-glpi 5.15.0- #2 SMP Fri Apr 5 12:44:45 PDT 2024 x86_64 PHP 8.3.6 fpm-fcgi (Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, random, session, shmop, sockets, sodium, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib) Setup: max_execution_time="300" memory_limit="256M" post_max_size="25M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files" upload_max_filesize="20M" disable_functions="" Software: nginx/1.14.1 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Server Software: MySQL Enterprise - Cloud Server Version: 8.0.34-u6-cloud Server SQL Mode: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION Parameters: [email protected]/glpi_2024 Host info: via TCP/IP
PHP version (8.3.6) is supported.PHP version (8.3.6) is supported. Sessions configuration is OK.Sessions configuration is OK. Allocated memory is sufficient.Allocated memory is sufficient. mysqli extension is installed.mysqli extension is installed. Following extensions are installed: dom, fileinfo, filter, libxml, json, simplexml, xmlreader, xmlwriter.Following extensions are installed: dom, fileinfo, filter, libxml, json, simplexml, xmlreader, xmlwriter. curl extension is installed.curl extension is installed. gd extension is extension is installed. intl extension is installed.intl extension is installed. zlib extension is installed.zlib extension is installed. The constant SODIUM_CRYPTO_AEAD_XCHACHA20POLY1305_IETF_NPUBBYTES is present.The constant SODIUM_CRYPTO_AEAD_XCHACHA20POLY1305_IETF_NPUBBYTES is present. Database engine version (8.0.34) is supported.Database engine version (8.0.34) is supported. No files from previous GLPI version detected.No files from previous GLPI version detected. The log file has been created successfully.The log file has been created successfully. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_cache has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_cron has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_dumps has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_graphs has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_lock has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_pictures has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_plugins has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_rss has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_sessions has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_tmp has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_uploads has been validated.Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_cache has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_cron has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_dumps has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_graphs has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_lock has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_pictures has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_plugins has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_rss has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_sessions has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_tmp has been validated. Write access to /etc/glpi/files/_uploads has been validated. SELinux configuration is OK.SELinux configuration is OK.
Web server root directory configuration is not safe as it permits access to non-public files. See installation documentation for more details.Web server root directory configuration is not safe as it permits access to non-public files. See installation documentation for more details. GLPI data directories are located in a secured path.GLPI data directories are located in a secured path. Sessions configuration is secured.Sessions configuration is secured. OS and PHP are relying on 64 bits integers.OS and PHP are relying on 64 bits integers. exif extension is installed.exif extension is installed. ldap extension is installed.ldap extension is installed. openssl extension is installed.openssl extension is installed. Following extensions are installed: bz2, Phar, zip.Following extensions are installed: bz2, Phar, zip. Zend OPcache extension is installed.Zend OPcache extension is installed. Following extensions are installed: ctype, iconv, mbstring, sodium.Following extensions are installed: ctype, iconv, mbstring, sodium. Write access to /usr/share/nginx/html/glpi/marketplace has been validated.Write access to /usr/share/nginx/html/glpi/marketplace has been validated. Access to timezone database (mysql) is not allowed.Access to timezone database (mysql) is not allowed.
Anything else?
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