material-animated-switch copied to clipboard
Error:(33, 20) Failed to resolve: com.github.glomadrian:MaterialAnimatedSwitch:1.1
Im getting this error while adding the dependency to my project. Please provide a solution
Even I have this issue..!! Please advise a way on how to solve this issue...
Use this forked version. It's modified but the switch setchecked() function does not work
You must add build.gradle repositories { maven { url "" } }
no it's doesn't the solution...:(
i have also face this problem.......... :(
compile 'com.github.glomadrian:MaterialAnimatedSwitch:1.1@aar'
maven { url "" } add this both but my problem is not solve
iam facing this error to because i place at buildscript, move maven { url ""} to all project work for me
allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() maven { url "" } } }
You can download the library to local dependencies
iam facing this error to because i place at buildscript, move maven { url ""} to all project work for me
allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() maven { url "" } } }
This worked for me. Thanks!!
this library is sorta dead, use the forked of this library
This is another one. This is worked