reactable copied to clipboard
how to save as a pdf
Hi, thanks for this awesome package.
I have a problem about the output html. I output the table using this function in R studio
But I want to edit some thing using AI, wich means I have to output as a pdf. So I using the function of chrome
But I found the color disapper
So I was wondering whether some solution about this.
Here is the code
make_color_pal <- function(colors, bias = 1) {
get_color <- colorRamp(colors, bias = bias)
function(x) rgb(get_color(x), maxColorValue = 255)
fold_rating_color <- make_color_pal(c("#d64047", "#f8fafc","#3a779e"), bias = 2)
padj_rating_color <- make_color_pal(c("#ffffff", "#f2fbd2", "#c9ecb4", "#93d3ab", "#35b0ab"), bias = 2)
columns = list(
symbol = colDef(name = "symbol",width = 80),
TPM_ATAC = colDef(
cell = function(values){
sparkline(values, type = "bar",
chartRangeMin = min(total_plot_data_interest$TPM_ATAC), chartRangeMax = max(total_plot_data_interest$TPM_ATAC))
},width = 60),
TPM_RNA = colDef(
cell = function(values){
sparkline(values, type = "bar",chartRangeMin = min(total_plot_data_interest$TPM_RNA), chartRangeMax = max(total_plot_data_interest$TPM_RNA))
},width = 60),
log2FoldChange = colDef(
name = "log2FoldChange",class = "number",align = "center",width = 80,
cell = function(value){
scaled <- (value - min(reactable_plot$log2FoldChange)) / (max(reactable_plot$log2FoldChange) - min(reactable_plot$log2FoldChange))
color <- fold_rating_color(scaled)
value <- value <- format(round(value, 2), nsmall = 1)
div(style = list(background = color), value)
padj = colDef(
name = "padj",class = "number",align = "center",width = 90,
cell = function(value) {
scaled <- (value - min(reactable_plot$padj)) / (max(reactable_plot$padj) - min(reactable_plot$padj))
color <- padj_rating_color(scaled)
value <- formatC(paste0("1E-",round(value, 1)))
div(style = list(background = color),value)
defaultPageSize = 100) -> p4
Actually, the sprakline plot color still remain, while the div type color disappear
I am so sorry to bother you. I finally find a solution
Not working for me 😞, even after turning on Background graphics.
Also, I'd like to render it straight off Rmarkdown via knitr
if possible; controlling the width is a challenge.
I think this may be related to #11
Indeed it is; I came across that post too.
Thanks for referencing.
Yeah, browsers don't print background colors without enabling a browser-specific setting first. In Chrome, it's Print->Background graphics, and in Firefox, it's File->Page Setup->Print Background. And there seem to be other ways to do it, described here:
But even with background graphics enabled, I still couldn't get background colors to print in R Markdown documents. @leungi were you trying to print an R Markdown doc as well? Apparently Bootstrap 3 includes some CSS that removes colors for all elements when printing:
@media print {
*:after {
color: #000 !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
background: transparent !important;
-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
There are ways to override and remove the CSS here, but they aren't very easy to do:
So far, the simplest workaround I've found is to force the browser to render the page as screen media. In Chrome, you can do this from the Rendering settings in DevTools:
Set the CSS media type to "screen":
Then colors should show up when printing with Background graphics enabled. Note that this will remove all other print media styles though, so it's still not a perfect workaround.
@glin: thanks for detailed info!
Setting CSS media type to "screen" works 👍; this provides a workaround for current use case of "printing" html
output as pseudo-pdf, with similar formatting.
Indeed, I wanted to allow export/download of multiple formats (e.g., docx
, pdf
) via rmarkdown
, but as noted, controlling contents is difficult. My current workaround is recreating table in flextable and export via its sister package officer.