glide copied to clipboard
Auto Height
Is there an option to set the slider to auto-scale height with contents (similar to Adaptive Height in Slick Slider)? Right now, a gallery of different-sized images defaults to being as tall as the tallest image.
It's not build-in, you have to write a custom component. Here is a example code which I used in one of my recent projects (note: it uses an imagesloaded
package). May be helpful:
import imagesloaded from 'imagesloaded'
export default function (Glide, Components, Events) {
const AUTOHEIGHT = {
mount () { = 'height 0.2s ease-in-out'
imagesloaded(Components.Html.track, () => {
set () { = `${Components.Html.slides[Glide.index].offsetHeight}px`
Events.on(['run', 'resize'], () => {
@jedrzejchalubek thank you! I am using Glide.js without a packager as a straight up script inclusion in my Wordpress site. How would I refactor your code to support my environment?
@jedrzejchalubek - Any chance of putting this in as a component which can be enabled/disabled via settings?
Adding this before glide.mount();
worked for me:
glide.on('build.after', function() {
var slideHeight = $('.glide__slide--active').outerHeight();
var glideTrack = $('.glide__track').outerHeight();
if (slideHeight != glideTrack) {
var newHeight = slideHeight;
$('.glide__track').css('height', newHeight);
glide.on('run.after', function() {
var slideHeight = $('.glide__slide--active').outerHeight();
var glideTrack = $('.glide__track').outerHeight();
if (slideHeight != glideTrack) {
var newHeight = slideHeight;
$('.glide__track').css('height', newHeight);
Adding this before
worked for me:glide.on('build.after', function() { var slideHeight = $('.glide__slide--active').outerHeight(); var glideTrack = $('.glide__track').outerHeight(); if (slideHeight != glideTrack) { var newHeight = slideHeight; $('.glide__track').css('height', newHeight); } }); glide.on('run.after', function() { var slideHeight = $('.glide__slide--active').outerHeight(); var glideTrack = $('.glide__track').outerHeight(); if (slideHeight != glideTrack) { var newHeight = slideHeight; $('.glide__track').css('height', newHeight); } })
Works perfectly! Thanks @jenniferhail .
Vanilla JS example if anyone's interested...
const carousel = document.querySelector('.glide');
if (carousel) {
const glideCarousel = new Glide('.glide');
// Automated height on Carousel build
glideCarousel.on('build.after', function () {
// Automated height on Carousel change
glideCarousel.on('run.after', function () {
// Mount!
type: 'carousel',
// Resize height
function glideHandleHeight() {
const activeSlide = document.querySelector('.glide__slide--active');
const activeSlideHeight = activeSlide ? activeSlide.offsetHeight : 0;
const glideTrack = document.querySelector('.glide__track');
const glideTrackHeight = glideTrack ? glideTrack.offsetHeight : 0;
if (activeSlideHeight !== glideTrackHeight) { = `${activeSlideHeight}px`;
@SimeonGriggs & @jenniferhail thank you! Just finished another project where I needed to refer back to this thread.
FWIW, if you want to make the height transition a little smoother, you can also add the following CSS code (after implementing your JS suggestions):
.glide__track {
transition: height 250ms ease-in-out;
if anyone here is strugling with a error after using SimeonGriggs code (which works fine) is because you have to pass options object to glide instance as second parameter instead of inside mount method:
const carousel = document.querySelector('.glide');
if (carousel) {
const glideCarousel = new Glide('.glide', {
type: 'carousel',
// Automated height on Carousel build
glideCarousel.on('build.after', function () {
// Automated height on Carousel change
glideCarousel.on('run.after', function () {
// Mount!
// Resize height
function glideHandleHeight() {
const activeSlide = document.querySelector('.glide__slide--active');
const activeSlideHeight = activeSlide ? activeSlide.offsetHeight : 0;
const glideTrack = document.querySelector('.glide__track');
const glideTrackHeight = glideTrack ? glideTrack.offsetHeight : 0;
if (activeSlideHeight !== glideTrackHeight) { = `${activeSlideHeight}px`;
if anyone wants to apply it in 'Slider' type glider.
const blogSlider = document.querySelector('.glide');
if (blogSlider) {
const glideSlider = new Glide('.glide', {
type: 'slider',
perView: 4,
rewind: false,
bound: true,
gap: 10
// Automated height on Carousel build
glideSlider.on('build.after', function () {
// Automated height on Carousel change
glideSlider.on('run.after', function () {
// Mount!
// Resize height
function glideHandleHeight() {
const glideTrackHeight = document.querySelector('.glide__track');
const glideSlide = document.querySelectorAll('.glide__slide');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < glideSlide.length; i++) {
glideSlide[i].style.height = glideTrackHeight.offsetHeight + 'px';
I recently ran into the same situation where I want to adapt the height of the slideshow to the image/content. The one thing that bugged me about the scripts above is that it calculated the height based on .glide__slide--active
which is added quite delayed once the slider settles into place.
Building on a component taken from I created a new ResizeSlider
component that applies a new .glide__slide--next-active
class instantly to the next slide you're transitioning to, and updates the track height based on that newly added class.
import { siblings } from '@glidejs/glide/src/utils/dom';
const classes = {
glideSlideNextActive: 'glide__slide--next-active',
const selectors = {
glideSlideNextActive: '.glide__slide--next-active',
glideTrack: '.glide__track',
function ResizeSlider(Glide, Components, Events) {
var Component = {
mount() {
changeActiveSlide() {
let slide = Components.Html.slides[Glide.index];
siblings(slide).forEach((sibling) => {
updateTrackHeight() {
console.log('update track height');
const activeSlide = document.querySelector(
const activeSlideHeight = activeSlide ? activeSlide.offsetHeight : 0;
const glideTrack = document.querySelector(selectors.glideTrack);
const glideTrackHeight = glideTrack ? glideTrack.offsetHeight : 0;
console.log(`Active slide: ${activeSlide} activeSlideHeight: ${activeSlideHeight}`)
if (activeSlideHeight !== glideTrackHeight) { = `${activeSlideHeight}px`;
Events.on('run', () => {
return Component;
const slider = new Glide(this.container, {
type: 'carousel',
animationDuration: 350
ResizeSlider: ResizeSlider,
Thank you @jonathanmoore, exactly what I needed. One thing I'd add, if you have more that one slider on a page, this will scale only the fist one.
Small changes are needed to make it work with multiple sliders:
const activeSlide = document.querySelector(
const activeSlide = document.querySelector(
Glide.selector + ' ' + selectors.glideSlideNextActive
and this:
const glideTrack = document.querySelector(selectors.glideTrack);
const glideTrack = document.querySelector(Glide.selector + ' ' + selectors.glideTrack);
Now it will select the currently changed slider and resize it.
I needed an auto height option that supports multiple sliders as well as multiple slides in a single slider (perView >= 2). But also perView: 1
is supported. Here is my result:
Add this function:
function GlideAutoHeight(Glide, Components, Events) {
const Component = {
mount() {
if (!Glide.settings.autoHeight) return; = 'height 200ms ease-in-out';
updateTrackHeight() {
if (!Glide.settings.autoHeight) return;
const activeSlides = Components.Html.slides.filter((slide, index) => {
return (index >= Glide.index && index <= (Glide.index-1) + Glide.settings.perView);
const newMaxHeight = activeSlides.reduce((maxHeight, slide) => {
return Math.max(maxHeight, slide.offsetHeight);
}, 0);
const glideTrack = Components.Html.track;
if (newMaxHeight !== glideTrack.offsetHeight) { = `${newMaxHeight}px`;
Events.on('run', () => {Component.updateTrackHeight();});
Events.on('update', () => {Component.updateTrackHeight();});
Events.on('resize', () => {Component.updateTrackHeight();});
return Component;
Add autoHeight
as option (Default is false). Add GlideAutoHeight
as extension.
document.querySelectorAll('.glide').forEach(glider => {
new Glide(glider, {
perView: 2,
autoHeight: true,
GlideAutoHeight: GlideAutoHeight
Cheers 🥂
@arsors it is not working entirely. You need to rework the activeSlides
return (index >= Glide.index && index <= (parseInt(Glide.index-1) + parseInt(Glide.settings.perView)));
@arsors it is not working entirely. You need to rework the activeSlides
return (index >= Glide.index && index <= (parseInt(Glide.index-1) + parseInt(Glide.settings.perView)));
@SorinSu In which case Glide.index
and Glide.settings.perView
is not an integer?
@arsors when index is 0 it returns "-11" type: slider perView: 1
@SorinSu Mh.. i don't have a test project anymore. I ask my self why the line should not like this:
return (index >= parseInt(Glide.index) && index <= (parseInt(Glide.index-1) + parseInt(Glide.settings.perView)));
Can you provide me a test project? Or a codepen?