quicktype-vscode copied to clipboard
Json to Typescript generates empty file
Using this json sample:
"date": "2010-09-25",
"Revenue": "65225000000.0",
"Revenue Growth": "0.0",
"Cost of Revenue": "39541000000.0",
"Gross Profit": "25684000000.0",
"R&D Expenses": "1782000000.0",
"SG&A Expense": "5517000000.0",
"Operating Expenses": "7299000000.0",
"Operating Income": "18385000000.0",
"Interest Expense": "0.0",
"Income Tax Expense": "4527000000.0"
translates to blank typescript
// Generated by https://quicktype.io
// To change quicktype's target language, run command:
// "Set quicktype target language"
if I remove some of the fields it eventually picks up but the json I'm working with has actually a lot more fields than this sample