jarvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jarvim copied to clipboard

Generate a module vim configruation like a VIM PRO

Generate a module vim configruation like VIM PRO!

I have been maintaining Thinkvim for a long time, and slowly it deviated from my original intention. At first I wanted to use it as a vim configuration template for Vimer to use, but slowly it has to accept everyone’s preferences, I have to get Add more language support and other plug-in configurations, thinkvim becomes more and more bloated. This is wrong. I think that vim should be lightweight, so I wrote this cli tool jarvim, which will generate a greateful configuration for you, there are some useful hacks in the generated configuration, I hope it can help you, if you are new to vim, you no longer need to refer to other people's configurations, you can use the generated configuration as your starting point This will greatly save your time.


You can download build binary file from release page https://github.com/glepnir/jarvim/releases

MacOs brew

brew tap glepnir/jarvim
brew install jarvim


curl -fLo  install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glepnir/jarvim/master/install.sh
sh install.sh
./jarvim -g

Install From Source

go get github.com/glepnir/jarvim


Here is a gif to show how to use jarvim.

 -v to print jarvim version.
 -g to generate vim configuration.


  • Why the symbols look weird in my vim ?

Make sure you have installed nerdfont font from https://www.nerdfonts.com/, Different fonts may be inconsistent in the performance of symbols. The solution, If you use Mac with iterm2, you can set a different font for the symbol.

Another way I recommend you to use kitty terminal, it has built-in symbol font support.Kitty support Mac and Linux.

Normal graphics should be like this


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  • MIT