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Hyper Window Snap is an AutoHotkey script for moving and resizing windows to into quadrants, especially useful for 4k monitors. Based on Advanced Window Snap by Andrew Moore.

Hyper Window Snap

Hyper Window Snap is a script for [AutoHotKey] that expands upon Windows built-in window-snapping hotkeys by adding many new snap methods, including docking, moving, and shrinking windows. It can also detach Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser tabs into a new window in a desired screen position.

Installation Steps

  1. Install [AutoHotKey]
  2. Copy or Download the HyperWindowSnap.ahk file to your computer and double click it to run it.
  3. (Optional) To have the program run when you start up your computer, place the .ahk file into your computer's [startup] folder.
    • The Windows 7 startup folder can be accessed by mousing to Start > All Programs, then right-clicking on Startup and selecting "Open".
    • For newer windows versions, the startup folder can be accessed by tapping Win + R on your keyboard, then in the Open: field, type shell:startup then press Enter.

NOTE: Numeric keypad hotkeys will work only if you have NumLock turned ON.

Overview of Keyboard Shortcuts

The below modifier keys are used along with the numeric keypad to manipulate windows.

Numpad Modifer Keys Behavior
No Modifier Key Activate the corresponding window.
Win Dock window to the corner or side of the screen in the specified direction.
Alt + Win Shrink window in the specified direction.
Ctrl + Win "Scoot" window in the specified direction, jumping one window size in the direction selected. This works alongside window shrinking, to create subquadrants.
Ctrl + Alt + Win Detach the current browser tab into a new window positioned according to the keypad direction chosen.
Numeric Keypad
Numpad 7
towards top-left quarter
Numpad 8
towards top half
Numpad 9
towards top-right quarter
Numpad 4
towards left half
Numpad 6
towards right half
Numpad 1
towards bottom-left quarter
Numpad 2
towards bottom half
Numpad 3
towards bottom-right quarter

Exhaustive Keyboard Shortcuts

Dock Windows to Fixed Positions:

Hotkey Behavior
Win + Numpad 7 Window will snap to the top-left quarter of the screen.
Win + Numpad 8 Window will snap to the top half of the screen.
Win + Numpad 9 Window will snap to the top-right quarter of the screen.
Win + Numpad 4 Window will snap to the left half of the screen.
Win + Numpad 6 Window will snap to the right half of the screen.
Win + Numpad 1 Window will snap to the bottom-left quarter of the screen.
Win + Numpad 2 Window will snap to the bottom half of the screen.
Win + Numpad 3 Window will snap to the bottom-right quarter of the screen.

Activate Windows:

Hotkey Behavior
Numpad 7 Activate window at the top-left quarter of the screen.
Numpad 8 Activate window at the top half of the screen.
Numpad 9 Activate window at the top-right quarter of the screen.
Numpad 4 Activate window at the left half of the screen.
Numpad 6 Activate window at the right half of the screen.
Numpad 1 Activate window at the bottom-left quarter of the screen.
Numpad 2 Activate window at the bottom half of the screen.
Numpad 3 Activate window at the bottom-right quarter of the screen.

Shrink Windows:

Alt + Win + Numpad will shrink the active window in the direction of the keypad, either by half or quarter as applicable.

Hotkey Behavior
Alt + Win + Numpad 7 Window will shrink up & left.
Alt + Win + Numpad 8 Window will shrink up.
Alt + Win + Numpad 9 Window will shrink up & right.
Alt + Win + Numpad 4 Window will shrink left.
Alt + Win + Numpad 6 Window will shrink right.
Alt + Win + Numpad 1 Window will shrink down & left.
Alt + Win + Numpad 2 Window will shrink down.
Alt + Win + Numpad 3 Window will shrink down & right.

"Scoot" Windows:

Ctrl + Win + Numpad will "scoot" windows in the specified direction, jumping one window width in the direction selected. This works alongside window shrinking, to create subquadrants.

Hotkey Behavior
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 7 Window will move up & left.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 8 Window will move up.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 9 Window will move up & right.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 4 Window will move left.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 6 Window will move right.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 1 Window will move down & left.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 2 Window will move down.
Ctrl + Win + Numpad 3 Window will move down & right.

Detach Browser Tab and Snap New Window:

Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad moves the current browser tab into a new window positioned according to the keypad direction chosen.

Hotkey Behavior
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 7 Window will snap to the top-left quarter of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 8 Window will snap to the top half of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 9 Window will snap to the top-right quarter of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 4 Window will snap to the left half of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 6 Window will snap to the right half of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 1 Window will snap to the bottom-left quarter of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 2 Window will snap to the bottom half of the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + Win + Numpad 3 Window will snap to the bottom-right quarter of the screen.


  • v1.00, 19 Jan 2020
    • Initial Version forked from Advanced Window Snap