leaflet-tilelayer-geojson copied to clipboard
Leaflet TileLayer for GeoJSON tiles
In a React functional component, my code: ` var style = { "clickable": true, "color": "#00D", "fillColor": "#00D", "weight": 1.0, "opacity": 0.3, "fillOpacity": 0.2 }; var hoverStyle = { "fillOpacity":...
I get a `this._adjustTilePoint is not a function` error when using leaflet 1.4 which does not have this function any longer. See: https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/issues/5103
Hello, Can you please explain to us what does _clipLayerToTileBoundary() do ? because I don't see the difference when clipTile is set to true or false Thank you