awesome-gleam copied to clipboard
Libraries to create
- [x] JSON
- [x] toml
- [x] HTTP types
- [x] Bindings to Erlang web servers
- [x] Elli
- [x] Cowboy
- [x] PostgreSQL client
- [x] SQLite client
- [ ] MariaDB / MySQL client
- [x] Password hashing
- [x] Dates + times
- [ ] Currency
- [ ] Email construction and sending
- [ ] SMTP
- [x] Various email sending APIs
- [ ] Easy to use Gleam based HTTP client
- [ ] Out of the box TLS verification
- [ ] HTTP 1
- [ ] HTTP 2
- [ ] Websockets
- [ ] Manipulates Erlang socket directly to avoid excess data copying between processes
- [ ] Optional connection pooling
- [x] Gleam based HTTP server
- [x] HTTP 1
- [ ] HTTP 2
- [ ] HTTP 3
- [x] Websockets
- [x] Performance competitive with Cowboy
- [ ] Bindings to the Erlang telemetry library
- [x] Binding to Erlang's TCP modules
- [ ] Gleam HTTP CORS
- [x] Gleam HTTP cookies
- [ ] CSRF protection
- [x] Signing
- [ ] Encryption
- [ ] GraphQL server
- [ ] GraphQL client
- [ ] JSON RPC
- [x] Command line options parsing
- [ ] Fuzz testing
- [ ] Snapshot testing
- [ ] Property testing
- [ ] Random value generation
- [ ] Temporary files
- [x] CSV (
- [ ] JS DOM bindings
- [x] JS VDOM
- [ ] JavaScript HTTP server adapter for the Gleam HTTP library
- [ ] XML parsing
- [x] HTML parsing
- [ ] ical parsing + generation
- [ ] Type safe postgresql client using codegen (
- [ ] S3 client
- [ ] Redis client
- [ ] MeiliSearch client
- [x] Logging
- [ ] Metrics collection
- [x] Convention based web framework
- [ ] Generic pattern for collecting multiple errors (