In the JMS 2.0 specification, section 7.3.8\. "Use of the CompletionListener by the JMS provider" states: > A session will only invoke one CompletionListener callback method at a time. For...
Currently, you cannot call setMessageListener when a connection is running with in an application server. I believe we can circumvent this limitation if the registration of the underlying threads is...
Currently there is no (legal) way for an application running in the Java EE web or EJB containers to consume messages asynchronously from a temporary queue or topic. The use...
**IllegalStateException tests** The JavaDocs for the following methods below need to be updated to reflect that IllegalStateException can be thrown. In particular IllegalStateException is being thrown in the case of...
Hello, I was looking for clarification on if the JMSXGroupId and JMSXGroupSeq fields are optional or mandatory for a JMS provider to support. The 3-3 table in the JMS 2.0...
The Java SE API allows an application to interrupt a running thread by calling the interrupt method on the Thread object. I'm logging this issue to raise the question of...
An addition of MESSAGE_ACKNOWLEDGE session mode would allow for consumers to acknowledge an individual message, as apposed to acknowledging all previous messages received by the session. This is useful in...
MQTTv3 has a "Last Will" feature that JMS users would also benefit from. A developer registers a "Last Will" message when connecting to the server and when the connection is...
Several vendors currently support individual message acknowledgment outside of message listeners, that is, on a thread other than the thread of control of the Session. This is useful for certain...
While the specification appears to require that the JMSMessageID should be preserved from the time it is generated during a publish until the time it is consumed from a subscribe,...