Tyrus websocket client doesn't function out of the box within sandbox applet due to its restrictions and security limitations. There were 2 major problems with the existing code base: access...
TaskProcesssor used in both Grizzly server and client container uses the same logic as TaskQueueFilter in JDK client #### Affected Versions [1.6]
sometimes it might happen (infra issues) that synchronous call is never completed. Then Tyrus should have some timeout to be able to unblock itself/client/application. #### Affected Versions [1.5]
Review ByteBuffer reading when sending/receiving messages (using RemoteEndpoint.sendBinary( ... ))
#### Affected Versions [1.5]
Introduce better support for QueryParams
I feel that TyrusSession.broadcast should take a Predicate filter so that messages can easily be sent to sub sections of the connected clients. So it should be possible to do...
It would make a look simpler if Tyrus contains features natively to support using JMS queue or similar technology such as coherence to support sending messages to multiple nodes in...
* xmpp, stomp, json, xml, ... * (might be implemented as more robust version of encoders/decoders) #### Affected Versions [1.3]
l10n - LogLevel INFO+ should be internacionalized.
* BV integration (without EJB, CDI or other container) * improved error reporting (instanceof check in @OnError is not nice pattern)