In JMS 1.1 the following methods on Session can be used to create a ObjectMessage or TextMessage and set the payload at the same time: ``` createObjectMessage(Serializable object) ``` ```...
The JMS 1.1 javadocs for Connection.createConnectionConsumer lists the following possible exceptions: > JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or...
This issue was raised on the JMS forum: []( and is being logged here on behalf of that contributor How durable are durable topic subscriptions? Non durable subscribers receive topic...
This issue was raised on the JMS forum: []( and is being logged here on behalf of that contributor > How many times are topic messages delivered ? > >...
JMS 1.1, includes the following three interface definitions: ``` public interface XATopicConnectionFactory extends XAConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory public interface XAQueueConnectionFactory extends XAConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory public interface XAConnectionFactory ``` why does XAConnectionFactory not extend...
When a session is created with an acknowledgement mode of Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, messages are acknowledged by calling the acknowledge() method on the Message object. However this method is potentially misleading because...
This was raised by Hiram Chirino: > As an implementor of the JMS 1.1 spec one of the things that bother me about that version of the spec is the...
Possibility for metadata in JMS API. Ex. retrieving Queue depth. Although providers will probably not be able to supply real-time accurate readings, it can be very handy to read out...
javax.jms.Message is mutable when first created. On a TextMessage you can set for example 'the text'.You can also set properties. However, after receiving a message, setting a property does not...
This issue was raised by a member of the JSR 343 Expert Group and is logged here to allow the issue to be discussed and tracked. It is proposed that...