
Results 590 issues of glassfishrobot

In JMS 1.1 the following methods on Session can be used to create a ObjectMessage or TextMessage and set the payload at the same time: ``` createObjectMessage(Serializable object) ``` ```...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

The JMS 1.1 javadocs for Connection.createConnectionConsumer lists the following possible exceptions: > JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

This issue was raised on the JMS forum: []( and is being logged here on behalf of that contributor How durable are durable topic subscriptions? Non durable subscribers receive topic...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

This issue was raised on the JMS forum: []( and is being logged here on behalf of that contributor > How many times are topic messages delivered ? > >...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

JMS 1.1, includes the following three interface definitions: ``` public interface XATopicConnectionFactory extends XAConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory public interface XAQueueConnectionFactory extends XAConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory public interface XAConnectionFactory ``` why does XAConnectionFactory not extend...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

When a session is created with an acknowledgement mode of Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, messages are acknowledged by calling the acknowledge() method on the Message object. However this method is potentially misleading because...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

This was raised by Hiram Chirino: > As an implementor of the JMS 1.1 spec one of the things that bother me about that version of the spec is the...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement

Possibility for metadata in JMS API. Ex. retrieving Queue depth. Although providers will probably not be able to supply real-time accurate readings, it can be very handy to read out...

Priority: Major
New Feature

javax.jms.Message is mutable when first created. On a TextMessage you can set for example 'the text'.You can also set properties. However, after receiving a message, setting a property does not...

Priority: Major
New Feature

This issue was raised by a member of the JSR 343 Expert Group and is logged here to allow the issue to be discussed and tracked. It is proposed that...

Priority: Major
Type: Improvement