UnityStandaloneFileBrowser copied to clipboard
Unity 2018.4.14f1 build windows error!
ArgumentException: The Assembly Mono.WebBrowser is referenced by System.Windows.Forms ('Assets/StandaloneFileBrowser/Plugins/System.Windows.Forms.dll'). But the dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found.
Same for me in 2020.1
Did you find a solution?
@amarillosebas @scc172fly The assemblies require .Net 3.5x or higher (even though the docs here say 2.0) change your scripting environment to .Net 4.0 in Unity's settings. (Edit: Under Player Settings > API Compatibility Level)
I have put in a pull request to update the readme.
I've got the same error, even if I set the scripting environment to .Net 4.0. Unity 2020.3.32.f1
The full solution that worked for me is to remove Forms dll to exclude conflicts and set .NET Framework (Unity 2021.3) as API compatibility and have targeting framework updated (currently 4.8) to make use of Unity's Forms dll in \Editor\Data\UnityReferenceAssemblies\unity-4.8-api
The true final solution in my comment #122
It works in all unity versions (NetStandard/NetFramework)
Above^ https://github.com/gkngkc/UnityStandaloneFileBrowser/issues/122 confirmed to work on Unity 2018.1.1f1, thanks!