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TypeScript type definition generator for GObject introspection interfaces


TypeScript binding generator for GJS and node-gtk. Inspired by gir2dts but re-written and re-designed to be a more thorough TypeScript description of the GObject introspection interfaces.

The definitions can be used for both TypeScript or JavaScript projects.


You can install the project globally:

npm install @ts-for-gir/cli -g

Now you can run ts-for-gir .

You can also install ts-for-gir locally in your current project:

npm install @ts-for-gir/cli

And then create a new script in your package.json to generate the types, for example like this

  "scripts": {
    "build": "npm run build:types && npm run build:app",
    "build:types": "ts-for-gir generate Gtk-4.0 -e gjs --useNamespace -t esm",
    "build:app": "node esbuild.js",
    "start": "npm run build && npm run start:app",
    "start:app": "gjs -m dist/main.js",
    "debug:app": "GTK_DEBUG=interactive gjs -m dist/main.js",

more examples can be found in the ./examples/ subfolder.


To generate the Typescript type definitions of Gtk-4.0 for Gjs run

ts-for-gir generate Gtk-4.0 -e gjs

To generate this types for node-gtk run

ts-for-gir generate Gtk-4.0 -e node

You can also look at the examples to see how the types are generated there and at the CLI Package for the full CLI documentation.


We have ported some examples from Gjs and node-gtk to typescript but also created our own. You can find a more detailed description of the examples in the ./examples/ subfolder.

What it's like



Install GObject Introspection Repository files:

# Ubuntu 22.04
sudo apt update && sudo apt install \
    libappindicator3-dev \
    libgda-5.0-dev \
    libgirepository1.0-dev \
    libgtk-3-dev \
    libgtk-4-dev \
    libgtksourceview-3.0-dev \
    libnotify-dev \
    libsoup2.4-dev \
    libsoup-3.0-dev \
    libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev \

# Fedora 36
sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install \
    libappindicator-gtk3-devel \
    libgda-devel \
    gobject-introspection-devel \
    gtk3-devel \
    gtk4-devel \
    libsoup3-devel \
    gtksourceview3-devel \
    libnotify-devel \
    libsoup-devel \
    webkit2gtk3-devel \

Checkout this repository, install the dependencies and build:

git clone https://github.com/sammydre/ts-for-gjs
cd ts-for-gjs
git submodule update --init
yarn install
yarn run build

Generate example type definitions:

yarn run regress

Gir XML Format

See gobject-introspection/docs/gir-1.2.rnc for type definitions.


It is strongly recommended to use the debugger. For Visual Studio Code there are some predefined launch configurations for it. Take a look at the following video:


yarn Scripts


To validate all your generated type definition files in this project run

yarn run validate:types:all

To validate only your type definition files for Gjs

yarn run validate:types:gjs

To validate only your type definition files for node-gtk

yarn run validate:types:node

You can also validate a single type definition file like this

yarn run validate -- ./@types/Gjs/GObject-2.0.d.ts



To run our ava tests just run:

yarn run test:ava

Test gir files

We have a test which tries to generate the type definition files for all gir files from the vala-girs repository.

Before you can run this test you need to checkout the vala-girs submodule, to do that run this in the root of ts-for-gjs:

git submodule update --init

Now you can run the test with

yarn run test:girs:gjs
yarn run test:girs:node
# or yarn run test:girs:all


Problem: I get the following error:

FATAL ERROR: Scavenger: semi-space copy Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory


sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=25600 yarn run ...

Related Projects

TypeScript Type Definitions

  • gnome-gtk - Typescript bindings for gnome gtk
  • ts-gir - Typescript bindings for GJS
  • node-gir-typedef - TypeScript bindings for node-gir
  • gir2dts - The project this is inspired by
  • gir-dts-generator - The project that inspired this project
  • gjs-ts - Typescript bindings for GJS
  • Typescript Doclet - Experimental TypeScript binding generator written in Vala as a Valadoc extension
  • gi.ts - Highly accurate TypeScript bindings for GJS
  • gi-ts TypeScript Type definitions for the GNOME base stack (e.g. GLib, GObject)


  • gjs-docs - GJS documentation server written using gjs
  • node-gtk - GIO bindings for NodeJS
  • cgjs - A NodeJS / CommonJS Runtime for GJS
  • jsgtk - Replaced by cgjs
  • vala-girs - Collection of GIRs and VAPIs for the Vala toolchain
  • gjs-examples - GJS examples showing how to build Gtk javascript applications
  • hello-gjs-yarn - Gjs example using Babel and Rollup
  • vala-object - Set of examples of how you can build native code with Vala and use it in Gjs, Node.js and other environments