tuntox copied to clipboard
Debian package
The work is basically done: https://github.com/abbat/tox.pkg/commit/44f27bc69be059b5d6356e5b9e71fb5aaf2b83e0
New location: https://github.com/anthonybilinski/tox.pkg/commit/44f27bc69be059b5d6356e5b9e71fb5aaf2b83e0
Mirror(2020): https://github.com/gjedeer/tox.pkg/tree/891b2241c65563b4f2af0ccc0745811e3298d3dc/tuntox
Thank you.
Toxcore is in sid https://packages.debian.org/sid/libtoxcore2
There's now a debian/ subdirectory in the tuntox source: https://github.com/gjedeer/tuntox/tree/master/debian
I'm building deb files using Bitbucket CI here: https://bitbucket.org/gjedeer/tuntox/downloads/
The CI runs: https://bitbucket.org/gjedeer/tuntox/addon/pipelines/home
There's also a Debian section in BUILDING.md
What's left to do is creating a PPA and finding a willing maintainer
Nice. Debian packages built and appeared to work fine for me, even using Debian stretch
(with backported libtoxcore-dev
Yeah, on anything with libtoxcore-dev installed a quick make
should be enough.
I meant that I built the packages with fakeroot ./debian/rules binary
In the PR #61 there is a commit 8569e6c that adds targets make debs
and make install-debs
~/src/upstream/tuntox$ make -n debs
fakeroot ./debian/rules binary
~/src/upstream/tuntox$ make -n install-debs
sudo dpkg -i ../tuntox_0.0.9-1_amd64.deb ../tuntox-dbgsym_0.0.9-1_amd64.deb