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A Clojure library for creating Discord bots
Trying to set up a notifications bot using this library. Not sure if I'm missing an import or something? ```clojure (ns gcloud-monitoring.core (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]] [ring.util.request] [clojure.data.json :as json]...
The docs only cover message receiving, but there are other events as well. Can the docs cover events like user joining/leaving server, bot joining/leaving server and other useful events as...
I am getting an HTTP 400 quite randomly when I send some messages. Its reproducible at will though. ```json 20-06-08 16:41:21 gimli ERROR [discord.client:77] - Error sending message: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: clj-http:...
When triggering the `help` command (auto-handled by the library), it sends *two* messages instead of *one*. My core code is ```lisp (ns disclojure.core (:gen-class) (:require [discord.bot :as bot])) (defn -main...
I have a custom handler that handles a set of "formats". I'd like to document them. In [bot.clj](https://github.com/gizmo385/discord.clj/blob/master/src/discord/bot.clj) I found about `register-extension-docs!`, which seems to be for this exact purpose,...
Is there a way to change the bot's config file location before starting it? E.g. to instead load `data/settings.json`.
Currently, when extensions are declared, information about those extensions, handlers, and their relevant documentation is maintained in a series of global atoms. This isn't ideal and can cause confusion (see...
`discord.http/logs-from` returns all results regardless of the limit supplied. I haven't checked this that thoroughly, I only had 16 messages and it returned all when I tried limit as 0,...
It looks like there's some cool stuff added recently but you can only access by cloning the source