vue-virtualized-table icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-virtualized-table copied to clipboard

A Virtualized Table component based on Vue.js


Now there are many better products, more comprehensive maintenance, more powerful functions, and better data structures. We recommend you to use better virtual scrolling list projects:

Vue Virtualized Table

The second version of implementation of vue-virtual-table component, it was inspired from rc-table and ant-table, API design is 60%+ consistent. Or you could think I translated them from React to Vue and added virtualize scroll feature.

As time goes on, I think Vue2 has become obsolete, So I decided it is no longer maintained.


  1. Support customize render
  2. Support virtualized scroll
  3. Support expand/collapse
  4. Support customize depth


Look the Demo or run this project example in Terminal with npm:

npm install
npm run serve

Code example:

import VirtualTable from 'vue-virtualized-table'
import 'vue-virtualized-table/src/table.css'

export default {
  render() {
    return (
        scroll={{ y: 200 }}




  rowClassName: {
    type: [String, Function],
    default: ''

  // fixed when header/columns are fixed, or using column.ellipsis
  tableLayout: {
    type: String,
    validator(val) {
      return ['auto', 'fixed'].includes(val)

  direction: {
    type: String,
    default: 'ltr',
    validator(val) {
      return ['ltr', 'rtl'].includes(val)

  // Whether to show all table borders
  bordered: Boolean,

  // Columns of table: ColumnProps[]
  columns: {
    type: Array,
    required: true

  // Override default table elements
  components: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => TableComponents

  // Data record array to be displayed
  dataSource: {
    type: Array,
    default: () => [],
    required: true

  // expandable
  expandable: Object, // See it below
  // Whether to use virtualize scroll behavior
  useVirtual: Boolean,
  // The row height number of per row in TableBody
  rowHeight: Number,
  // The row index to specify where the view scroll to
  scrollToRow: { type: Number, default: 0 },

  prefixCls: {
    type: String,
    default: 'ant-table'

  // Table footer renderer
  // Should it be slot?
  title: {
    type: [Function, Object]

  // Table footer renderer
  // Should it be slot?
  footer: {
    type: [Function, Object]

  rowKey: {
    type: [String, Function],
    required: true

  rowSelection: Object,

  // { x: number | true, y: number }
  // x:	Set horizontal scrolling, can also be used to specify the width of the scroll area, could be number, percent value, true and 'max-content'	number | true	-
  // y:	Set vertical scrolling, can also be used to specify the height of the scroll area, could be number	number	-
  scroll: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => ({})

  showHeader: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: true

  size: {
    type: String,
    default: 'default',
    validator(val) {
      return ['default', 'middle', 'small'].includes(val)

  locale: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => DEFAULT_LOCALE


  // The children's name
  childrenColumnName: {
    type: String,
    default: 'children' // string

  // Indent size in pixels of tree data
  indentSize: {
    type: Number,
    default: 15 // must be Number

  // Customize row expand Icon. Ref example
  expandIcon: Function, // (h, { prefixCls: string, expanded: boolean, expandable: boolean, record: object, onExpand: Function }) => VNode,

  // Customize row expand render.
  expandedRowRender: Function, // (h, { record: object, index: number, index: number, expanded: boolean }) => VNode,

  // Whether row can be expandable or not
  rowExpandable: Function, // (h) => boolean,

  // Current expanded row keys
  expandedRowKeys: {
    type: Array,
    default: () => [] // RowKey[]

  // Current expanded deep into which depth
  expandedDepth: {
    type: Number,
    default: null // RowKey[]

  // Expand all rows initially
  defaultExpandAllRows: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: true // boolean


  type: {
    type: String,
    default: 'radio',
    validator(val) {
      return ['radio', 'checkbox'].includes(val)
  // Controlled selected row keys: string[]|number[]
  selectedRowKeys: {
    type: Array,
    default: () => []
  // Callback executed when selected rows change
  onChange: {
    type: Function,
    default: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {}
  // Callback executed when select/deselect one row
  onSelect: {
    type: Function,
    default: (record, selected, selectedRows, nativeEvent) => {}


  width: [String, Number],

  colspan: [Number, Function],
  rowspan: [Number, Function],
  className: [String, Function],

  fixed: {
    type: [Boolean, String],
    validator(val) {
      return [true, false, LEFT, RIGHT].includes(val)

  align: {
    type: String,
    validator(val) {
      return [LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT].includes(val)

  expandable: BOOLEAN_FALSE_PROP,

  render: Function, // BodyRowCellRender: VNode|({ store: TableStore, row: RowModel, column: ColumnConfig }) => VNode
  renderHeader: Function, // HeaderRowCellRender: VNode|({ store, row, column }) => VNode

  // TODO


isRowExpanded: (rowKey: string|RowModel) => boolean, // Whether current row/rowKey is expanded or not
toggleRowExpansion: (rowKey: string|RowModel, state: boolean => void, // To toggle current expansion state
toggleExpandAll: (expand: boolean) => void,// To toggle all rows be expanded
toggleExpandDepth: (depth: number) => void, // To toggle rows be expanded by specified depth number
isRowSelected: (rowKey: string|RowModel) => boolean, // Whether current row/rowKey is selected or not
toggleRowSelection: (rowKey: string|RowModel) => // To toggle current row selection state


name render
empty When no-data so show empty block
title The title panel slot
footer The footer panel slot


name parameters description
select-change (record: RowModel, selected: boolean, selectedRowKeys: string[], nativeEvent: Event) => void When selection changed
expand-change (record: RowModel, isExpanded: boolean, expandedRowKeys: string[], nativeEvent: Event) => void When trigger expand or collapse
