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Error starting the map view on all forms in Odoo 12.0 TypeError: Cannot read property 'equals' of undefined
Hello When starting the map view, on all forms in Odoo 12.0, there is an error:
Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'equals' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'equals' of undefined
at https://dh.test.pl/web/content/871-a9192dd/web.assets_backend.js:3250:358
at Array.forEach (
The error probably appeared after updating your add-on. Please help
@schinto777 looks like the variable value on this line https://github.com/gityopie/odoo-addons/blob/12.0/web_google_maps/static/src/js/view/map/map_renderer.js#L315
var position = marker.getPosition();
assigned invalid value, normally marker
is an instance of class google.maps.Marker
could you please console this variable?
Thank you very much for such a quick reply. Even if I have any one contact on the list, pressing the map button causes an error. He's different: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSouthWest' of undefined https://dh.test.pl/web_google_maps/static/lib/markercluster/markerclusterer.js:797 Traceback: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSouthWest' of undefined at MarkerClusterer.createClusters_ (https://dh.test.pl/web_google_maps/static/lib/markercluster/markerclusterer.js:797:69) at MarkerClusterer.redraw (https://dh.test.pl/web_google_maps/static/lib/markercluster/markerclusterer.js:724:8) at MarkerClusterer.addMarker (https://dh.test.pl/web_google_maps/static/lib/markercluster/markerclusterer.js:454:10) at Class._clusterAddMarker (https://dh.test.pl/web/content/957-a9192dd/web.assets_backend.js:3251:20) at Class._createMarker [as _super] (https://dh.test.pl/web/content/957-a9192dd/web.assets_backend.js:3250:75) at Class.createMarker (https://dh.test.pl/web/content/957-a9192dd/web.assets_backend.js:3323:528) at Class.createMarker (https://dh.test.pl/web/content/521-1cebeb7/web.assets_common.js:3541:371) at https://dh.test.pl/web/content/957-a9192dd/web.assets_backend.js:3252:1674 at Function..each..forEach (https://dh.test.pl/web/content/521-1cebeb7/web.assets_common.js:12:558) at Class._renderUngrouped (https://dh.test.pl/web/content/957-a9192dd/web.assets_backend.js:3252:1488)
Even if the latitude and longitude is 0, the error is still there.
@schinto777 did you use the map
view on your custom model? or is it from my modules?
I'm just tested it by installed the module contacts_maps
on fresh DB without demo data and I found no issue.
Welcome I found such a description below. Maybe it can help you sort out the problem. https://gitlab.com/IvanSanchez/Leaflet.GridLayer.GoogleMutant/-/issues/101
Please let me know when you correct the error.
@schinto777 Could you please debug the code on your side?
add a console.log
on function _clusterAddMarker
_clusterAddMarker: function (marker) {
console.log(' marker = ', marker); // <-- debug
var markerInClusters = this.markerCluster.getMarkers();
var existingRecords = [];
if (markerInClusters.length > 0) {
var position = marker.getPosition();
console.log(' position = ', position); // <-- debug
markerInClusters.forEach(function (_cMarker) {
if (position && position.equals(_cMarker.getPosition())) {
this._markerInfoWindow.bind(this, marker, existingRecords)
and come back with result that gets printed on the browser console.
or if you are willing to provide or send me the data that caused the error so I can test it on my side.
On your request
marker =
Object { __gm: {…} }
_e3: Object { click: {…} }
click: Object { 26: {…} }
26: Object { g: "click", o: 0, Vo: true, … }
znacznik = marker =
Object { __gm: {…} }
__gm: Object { set: null, Zl: null, Sv: false, … }
Ql: null
Sv: false
Zl: null
ki: Object { map: null, streetView: null }
map: null
streetView: null
@schinto777 Thank you.
Looks like something is missing, I don't see position
on your debug data.
This is mine
A marker inside cluster
A marker is not in a cluster
Hello, I also noticed that when I call up the map directly from the view of one contact (and not from the contact list), everything is correct. If one contact filters on the contact list (the same contact as above), this error is still there.
Rectification When I filter one contact on the list, the map works fine. If there is more than one contact on the list, the map stops working.
@schinto777 looks like one your data (contacts) has invalid value. could you please debug this function?
_renderUngrouped: function () {
var self = this;
var defaultLatLng = this._getDefaultCoordinate();
var color, latLng, lat, lng;
_.each(this.state.data, function (record) {
color = self._getIconColor(record);
lat =
typeof record.data[self.fieldLat] === 'number'
? record.data[self.fieldLat]
: 0.0;
lng =
typeof record.data[self.fieldLng] === 'number'
? record.data[self.fieldLng]
: 0.0;
console.log({lat, lng}); // <-- debug
if (lat === 0.0 && lng === 0.0) {
self._createMarker(defaultLatLng, record, color);
} else {
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
record.markerColor = color;
self._createMarker(latLng, record, color);
I checked single display of all objects in contacts. All of them are displayed individually. Not knowing your function during debug.
@schinto777 Sorry but it's really hard to debug just by saying there is an error or it's working fine on this and that.. In this case the error message is not enough to trace the issue.
Let's analyze your report
First, Regarding this error message
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'equals' of undefined
It's already clear that this variable var position = marker.getPosition();
has undefined value when it tries try to invoke the function equals
Second, You said when you open the recordset on the map individually, there is no issue. my guesses is probably on the cluster marker.
If you want to resolve this issue please help me by provide the latitude and longitude of your contacts. No need to give all your contacts data, just one that caused the issue.
To debug, on your side please edit these two functions ( start from this line https://github.com/gityopie/odoo-addons/blob/12.0/web_google_maps/static/src/js/view/map/map_renderer.js#L402 )
_renderGrouped: function () {
console.log(' _renderGrouped '); // <------------------------ debug
var self = this;
var defaultLatLng = this._getDefaultCoordinate();
var color, latLng, lat, lng;
_.each(this.state.data, function (record) {
color = self._getGroupedMarkerColor();
record.markerColor = color;
_.each(record.data, function (rec) {
lat =
typeof rec.data[self.fieldLat] === 'number' ? rec.data[self.fieldLat] : 0.0;
lng =
typeof rec.data[self.fieldLng] === 'number' ? rec.data[self.fieldLng] : 0.0;
console.log({lat, lng}); // <------------------------ debug
if (lat === 0.0 && lng === 0.0) {
self._createMarker(defaultLatLng, rec, color);
} else {
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
self._createMarker(latLng, rec, color);
title: record.value || 'Undefined',
count: record.count,
marker: self.iconUrl + record.markerColor.trim() + '.png',
_renderUngrouped: function () {
console.log(' _renderUngrouped '); // <------------------------ debug
var self = this;
var defaultLatLng = this._getDefaultCoordinate();
var color, latLng, lat, lng;
_.each(this.state.data, function (record) {
color = self._getIconColor(record);
lat =
typeof record.data[self.fieldLat] === 'number'
? record.data[self.fieldLat]
: 0.0;
lng =
typeof record.data[self.fieldLng] === 'number'
? record.data[self.fieldLng]
: 0.0;
console.log({lat, lng}); // <------------------------ debug
if (lat === 0.0 && lng === 0.0) {
self._createMarker(defaultLatLng, record, color);
} else {
latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
record.markerColor = color;
self._createMarker(latLng, record, color);
and send me the latitude and longitude that's printed on the browser console before the error occurs
Welcome I checked on the archival database, on which nothing had been added for a long time. Probably everything worked before in this base. Now it doesn't work. I don't know how I can help you solve the error yet. The problem is not in the data.