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Tools for auditing autocomplete on Google and Bing

suggests: tools for auditing autocomplete

This package provides tools for conducting algorithm audits of search engine autocomplete. The functionality of this package was demonstrated in the paper listed below, if you use it in your work, please cite our paper!

Robertson R. E., Jiang, S., Lazer, D., & Wilson, C. (2019). Auditing autocomplete: Recursive algorithm interrogation and suggestion networks. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci 2019). PDF

  title = {Auditing autocomplete: Recursive algorithm interrogation and suggestion networks},
  author = {Robertson, Ronald E. and Jiang, Shan and Lazer, David and Wilson, Christo},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International ACM Web Science Conference}
  series = {WebSci '19},
  doi = {10.1145/3292522.3326047},

This package currently supports retrieving suggestions from Google and Bing. A sleep timer is hard-coded into the package (approx ~1 sec) for the recursive functionality based on my experience -- you will get blocked if you do not restrict your crawling speed.


Download with pip and git:

pip install git+


import suggests
>>> s = suggests.get_suggests('geese are ', source='google')
2019-05-23 11:28:30,467 | 1897 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | geese are
>>> s['suggests']
['geese are evil', 'geese are mean', 'geese are aggressive', 'geese are jerks', 'geese are the worst', 'geese are scary', 'geese are dinosaurs', 'geese are protected', 'geese are annoying', 'geese are monogamous']


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Below is a more involved example usage: creating a suggestions network for the query 'abortion', recursing to a maximum depth (breadth-first search steps) of 4.

Generating a suggestions tree

In [1]: tree = suggests.get_suggests_tree('abortion', source='google', max_depth=4)
2019-05-21 10:10:32,578 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion
2019-05-21 10:10:34,092 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion laws 2019
2019-05-21 10:10:35,172 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion pill
2019-05-21 10:10:36,323 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion law
2019-05-21 10:10:37,334 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion statistics
2019-05-21 10:10:38,426 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion definition
2019-05-21 10:10:39,473 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion clinic
2019-05-21 10:10:40,257 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion protest day
2019-05-21 10:10:41,439 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | abortion facts
2019-05-21 10:23:54,633 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | statistics on abortion 2019
2019-05-21 10:23:55,742 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | statistics on abortion in nigeria
2019-05-21 10:23:57,002 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | statistics on abortion uk
2019-05-21 10:23:58,094 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | statistics on abortion in the philippines
2019-05-21 10:23:59,332 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | statistics on abortion in ireland
2019-05-21 10:24:00,613 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | gosnell' abortion doctor movie releases trailer
2019-05-21 10:24:02,088 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | anti abortion movie unplanned trailer
2019-05-21 10:24:03,293 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | who played the abortion doctor in the movie unplanned
2019-05-21 10:24:04,255 | 9943 | INFO | suggests.logger | google | cast of unplanned wedding

Examining the data

In [2]: tree[0]
{'qry': 'abortion',
 'datetime': '2019-05-21 14:10:31.188217',
 'source': 'google',
 'data': ['abortion',
  [['abortion', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> laws 2019</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> pill</b>', 0],
   ['abortion<b> law</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> statistics</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> definition</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> clinic</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> protest day</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> facts</b>', 0, [131]],
   ['abortion<b> movie</b>', 0]],
  {'q': 'VNgAJ8HR9ujuw-N-maKAjD15MEM', 't': {'bpc': False, 'tlw': False}}],
 'suggests': ['abortion',
  'abortion laws 2019',
  'abortion pill',
  'abortion law',
  'abortion statistics',
  'abortion definition',
  'abortion clinic',
  'abortion protest day',
  'abortion facts',
  'abortion movie'],
 'self_loops': [0],
 'tags': {'q': 'VNgAJ8HR9ujuw-N-maKAjD15MEM',
  't': {'bpc': False, 'tlw': False}},
 'crawl_id': '',
 'depth': 0,
 'root': 'abortion'}

Converting to edge list

In [3]: edges = suggests.to_edgelist(tree)

In [4]: edges.head()
       root                             edge    source               target  \
0  abortion   (abortion, abortion laws 2019)  abortion   abortion laws 2019
1  abortion        (abortion, abortion pill)  abortion        abortion pill
2  abortion         (abortion, abortion law)  abortion         abortion law
3  abortion  (abortion, abortion statistics)  abortion  abortion statistics
4  abortion  (abortion, abortion definition)  abortion  abortion definition

   rank  depth search_engine                    datetime
0     1      0        google  2019-05-21 14:10:31.188217
1     2      0        google  2019-05-21 14:10:31.188217
2     3      0        google  2019-05-21 14:10:31.188217
3     4      0        google  2019-05-21 14:10:31.188217
4     5      0        google  2019-05-21 14:10:31.188217

Extract association network

Reduce to new information obtained in suggestions. E.g. abortion -> abortion laws 2019 becomes abortion -> laws 2019.

In [5]: edges = suggests.add_parent_nodes(edges)
In [6]: edges = edges.apply(suggests.add_metanodes, axis=1)
In [7]: show_cols = ['source','target','grandparent','parent','source_add','target_add']
In [8]: edges[show_cols].head()
               source                      target grandparent    parent source_add   target_add
0            abortion          abortion laws 2019         NaN       NaN   abortion    laws 2019
1            abortion               abortion pill         NaN       NaN   abortion         pill
2            abortion                abortion law         NaN       NaN   abortion          law
3            abortion         abortion statistics         NaN       NaN   abortion   statistics
4            abortion         abortion definition         NaN       NaN   abortion   definition
5            abortion             abortion clinic         NaN       NaN   abortion       clinic
6            abortion        abortion protest day         NaN       NaN   abortion  protest day
7            abortion              abortion facts         NaN       NaN   abortion        facts
8            abortion              abortion movie         NaN       NaN   abortion        movie
9  abortion laws 2019  abortion laws 2019 georgia         NaN  abortion  laws 2019      georgia

Plotted in Gephi. The size of nodes corresponds to their PageRank, and node colors indicate communities that were determined using Gephi's default community detection algorithm, the Louvain method:

Abortion Association Network