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Add support to Git Flow and Git LFS
Hey, add support to Git Flow and Git LFS.
Please add many more details as to what you'd actually like to see here. Thanks!
Hello @eamodio ! On my behalf, I can say that Gitflow is a must-have tool for me and my team (so you have a potential of at least nine users of this feautre already). Git flow, generally speaking, is a simple branch management tool. That helps to distinguish features branches from hotfixes, development and release branches (pull requests and so on) by conventionally assigning branch name, tags, removing branches, and merging them. More info can be found here. At the bottom of the info site, there is a whole command graph, and it looks quite easy to implement it using few buttons in Gitlens GUI.
And as it is already in a git toolchain, it must not be tough to implement. Maybe you can also suggest to us where to lookup for a similar code in Gitlens, so we can start to look it up by ourselves. Thank you!
@nikzasel I'm still not really sure what the ask is here. Are there specific/concrete features/enhancements you would like to see? I would certainly be happy to point you in the right direction once I know what is being attempted.
@eamodio, I would say that simply incorporating this module functionality or similar into the Gitlens GUI will work out.
@nikzasel OK, thanks. Unfortunately, this isn't something that I will likely add myself, but if the community wants to provide a PR I'm certainly open to it -- depending on the complexity and scope of the changes required.
Google search guided me to this thread. I really want gitflow branch tool integrated into gitlens.
+1 to git flow integration. If anyone has more questions take a look at a Git Tower app either for mac or windows to see examples of what were asking for.
Me too I give a +1 to git flow integration. It would be a very nice feature in gitlens
To rapidly implement GitFlow you can just add the "git flow" commands into git CLI ...
The git flow
commands now appear to be a standard part of Git for Windows. Not sure about the MacOS or Linux versions.
- https://github.com/nvie/gitflow
Alternatively you might use this gist ..
SO ... Now all you need to do is add buttons to START or FINNISH a feature / bugfix / hotfix / release. Too easy! Please include options to delete or keep and push the branch on FINNISH. Some teams or project like to delete the branch, while others want to keep and share them (I like to keep 'em) .
try use https://github.com/Serhioromano/vscode-gitflow https://github.com/gitex-flow/gitex-flow-vscode