vscode-gitlens icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-gitlens copied to clipboard

Fixes #1981 by having the view always enabled

Open joseleon-axosoft opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments


Fixes the issue #1981 by simply allowing the view to be always enabled. At this moment, the content shown on GitLens : Home view looks great to me.


joseleon-axosoft avatar May 12 '22 10:05 joseleon-axosoft

I'm not ready to merge this -- as I still feel there is more UI work that is needed to guide users why other GitLens UI will be missing because they haven't opened a folder

eamodio avatar Jun 09 '22 03:06 eamodio

This has been resolved in the upcoming GL 13.1

eamodio avatar Nov 03 '22 03:11 eamodio

Fixed with a312aa4bd81e5ab99acb56bcae985f21e7b45fb8

d13 avatar Nov 03 '22 04:11 d13