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"Open All Changes (with difftool)" doesn't seem to do anything

Open amelio-vazquez-reina opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

Issue Type: Bug

When I run "Open All Changes (with difftool)" from SCM nothing happens on a repository with several clear modified files.

Not sure if it this would help but just in case, here's the .gitconfig file in my home directory:

    editor = code --wait
    tool = default-difftool
[difftool "default-difftool"]
    cmd = code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE

VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.45.0-insider (44c5185373d5f209cd6c0b5d29a216fb801da34e, 2020-04-10T19:43:46.226Z) OS version: Darwin x64 19.4.0

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz (16 x 2300)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
flash_3d: enabled
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video_decode: enabled
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viz_hit_test_surface_layer: disabled_off_ok
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
Load (avg) 2, 2, 2
Memory (System) 64.00GB (23.77GB free)
Process Argv -psn_0_454767
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Extensions (33)
Extension Author (truncated) Version
atlascode atl 2.4.11
vscode-database baj 2.2.0
path-intellisense chr 1.4.2
bracket-pair-colorizer Coe 1.0.61
vscode-markdownlint Dav 0.34.0
gitlens eam 10.2.1
LogFileHighlighter emi 2.8.0
shell-format fox 7.0.1
seito-openfile Fr4 1.8.5
mdmath goe 2.4.0
gc-excelviewer Gra 2.1.34
open-file-from-path jac 1.3.3
latex-workshop Jam 8.8.0
vsc-space-block-jumper jmf 1.2.2
center-editor-window kai 2.3.0
vscode-docker ms- 1.0.0
python ms- 2020.3.71659
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vscode-ipython pan 0.5.0
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vscode-versionlens pfl 0.25.0
vscode-yaml red 0.7.2
vscode-dired rru 0.0.5
code-settings-sync Sha 3.4.3
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vscode-fileutils sle 3.0.1
emacs-mcx tut 0.18.0
vscodeintellicode Vis 1.2.6
vscode-icons vsc 10.1.0
org-mode vsc 1.0.0
markdown-all-in-one yzh 2.8.0

amelio-vazquez-reina avatar Apr 16 '20 02:04 amelio-vazquez-reina

Any news?

Sonotoki-da avatar Jun 13 '22 18:06 Sonotoki-da

I have the same problem. Usually I just clicked on a file with a conflict and it doesn't even want to open. When I right click on it and select "open changes with" and then "Open changes (devtool)" nothing happens. This must be connected to GitLens extensions somehow. I've tried to restart my computer and edited my git config global configuration...

	  editor = code --wait
	  tool = vscode
[difftool "vscode"]
	  cmd = code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE
	  tool = vscode
[mergetool "vscode"]
	  cmd = code --wait $MERGED

MS3300studios avatar Oct 03 '23 07:10 MS3300studios

fai8146767 avatar Oct 03 '23 10:10 fai8146767